Впр. 2. Поставте подані речення в минулому часі. Звертай те увагу на зміни, що мають відбутися в підрядних реченнях. 1. She says she likes roses.
2. She says he has already written the article.
3. They say they will come to see us next Friday.
4. She says she is glad to see me.
5. We do not know when he comes home.
6. Ann is sure we will arrive on Friday.
7. Peter thinks his friend has just returned home.
8. My teacher believes I will succeed in my studying.
9. I know he always gets up early.
10. We expect Dorothy will join us in the evening.
11. He says he has left his bicycle in the yard.
12. I suppose they met in the street.
I think either a skilled worker or an IT consultant will be the top job.
2. What factors influence the choice?
People choose a job of a lawyer, because they have good working conditions and earn a high salary.
3. When are people satisfied with the job?
People are satisfied with the job that allows them to be financially independent, to feel safe as they work, to feel good about themselves,
to feel respect,to belong to a team,to feel personal achievements,
to have an opportunity to make a career.
4. What skills are necessary for different jobs?
The job of an IT consultant requires basic IT skills…
The job of a teacher requires communication skills…
The job of a manager requires team-working skills, skills in planning and organization, communication skills. basic IT skills, an ability to learn,
time management skills, skills in problem solving.
5. What qualities are valued?
I think showing initiative, (co-operative, self-motivated,self-confident,)
creative, flexible,well-organized qualities are valued.