I was sick
Last time i was last winter.Iwas all with angina.I was very uncomfortable when my mother gave me medecine.They are very ugle.I have a very sort thoat.The best part is that my mother gave me tea and covered with a warm blanked.i rested and watched TV.
Как я болела
Последний раз я болела зимой.Я болела ангиной.мне было очень неприятно когда мама мне давала лекарства.Они очень отвратительные.Меня оч болело горло.Самое приятное то что мама давала мне чай и накрывала теплым одеялом.Я отдыхала и смотрела телевизор
Не знаю, подойдет или нет.
Syktyvkar - a city of national importance in Russia, located on the river Sysola, the capital and largest city of the Republic of Komi. History of the future begins with Syktyvkar XVI century, when the area had settled Komi. Nominal decree of Catherine II on January 25, 1780 was established as part of Vologda Viceroyalty nineteen counties, among which was the Ust'-Sysolskiy, in connection with the village of Ust-Sysola was converted to the district town of Ust-Sysolsk.