E Fill in the gaps in the speech with the correct words. First letters are given.
I 0reckon that there is now no question that the takeover will take place. 1T is, McDougalls have agreed to take over 65% of the company. 2Y k, I am personally very pleased with this result. 3B and l, this company has been performing very poorly in recent years, and we’ve had to deal with poor management, bad timekeeping, that 4k of t. But then 5a, that meant we could be late too! No, seriously, I think we will be a lot better off. 6A, we’ll have a future, which we wouldn’t have if we hadn’t signed the takeover. And as 7f McDougalls, I’m sure they will be a very good parent company. So, 8a in a, the future looks bright. Oh, and 9b I f, there’s a cocktail party tonight to celebrate the takeover. See you all there.
1 talking 2 to phone 3 reading 4 eating 5 meeting