Harry came to his mother one morning and said to her that no one at his school liked him. The teacher's din't, and the children din't. Even the cleaners and the bus drivers hated him.
His mother answered that it was such sad news and she added perhaps he wasn't very nice to them because if a few people din't like a person it might not be his fault; but if a lot of people din't, there was usually something wrong with such a person and he really needed to change.
Harry said that was good advice and he added that he was too old to change. and he didn't want to go to school.
His mother said not to be so silly,she added that he had to go because he had things to learn and besides that, he was the headmaster of the school.
Writing application forms — Написание анкеты
1. Type the form or write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS. – Печатайте или пишите ответы заглавными буквами.
2. Don’t translate foreign addresses. – Не переводите иностранные адреса.
3. Answer all the questions. — ответьте на все во Если вам не нужно писать ответ, напишите N / A (не применимо).
5. Be careful with your spelling. — Будьте внимательны с правописанием.
6. Always sign and date the form. – Всегда подписывайте и ставьте дату.
7. Give truthful information. — Дайте достоверную информацию.
ответ:Инфлюэ́нца ис эн экьЮт рЭспиратори дизИс ко́зд бай инлюэ́нца ва́йрасэс энд рили́зд эмо́нг экью́т рэ́спиратори ва́йрал инфэ́кшнс (АЭРВИ) ин пи́пл дью́ ту поссбл си́вер ко́урс оф зэ дизи́с