Outstanding People of RussiaВыдающиеся люди РоссииThe role of Russian scientists, writers, musicians, painters and other outstanding people in the development of modern world is undeniable. They have influenced almost all human spheres of life. Today everybody knows such names as Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lomonosov, Tchaikovsky, Gagarin, Tereshkova, etc. It is impossible to name a scientific branch in which the Russian scientists haven’t played a great role. For example, Dmitri Mendeleev, who was the creator of the Periodic System of Elements. Another important scientist, who made important contributions to literature, education and science, was Mikhail Lomonosov. He discovered the atmosphere of Venus and influenced the formation of Russian literary language. He was also the founder of Moscow State University. People, who love listening to radio, should know that the inventor of this device was Russian physicist Alexander Popov. Art lovers admire paintings of Repin, Surikov, Aivazovsky, Levitan, Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Roerich and many other outstanding Russian painters. World literature was largely influenced by Russian writers and poets. Perhaps the most famous names are Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Gogol, Tolstoy, Marshak, Mayakovsky. Works of these writers have been translated into many languages. One of my favourite figures is a prominent Russian composer Mikhail Glinka. He lived and created his overtures in the 19th century. Glinka is often regarded as the father of Russian classical music. His famous pieces included many piano concerts and chamber music. There are, of course, other Russian composers who deserve respect. That includes Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and others.
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was a prominent Russian cosmonaut. He was the first man who dared to make a journey into outer space. Gagarin was born on March 9th 1934, in a small village called Klushino, near Gzhatsk. Today this town is called Gagarin after the first Russian cosmonaut. His family was neither rich nor famous. Gagarin’s father was a humble worker and his mum was a milkmaid. Apart from Yuri, there were three other children in the family. The future cosmonaut had an uneasy childhood. As many people at those times, his family suffered from Nazi occupation. When he was a child, his father taught him to make toy planes. In 1941 he started attending a local school, but his studies were interrupted by the World War II. The whole village was occupied by Germans in November of the same year. However, life continued and Yuri grew as a smart and active boy. Together with his mother and his siblings he had to hide in a dugout during the war. Soon they moved to Gzhatsk and then to Moscow region. In 1951 he graduated with an honors degree from an evening school in Lyubertsy. In 1955 he graduated from the Saratov Industrial Technical School. During his student years he also attended a local aviation club. Gradually, aviation became his life’s work. In 1960 he started preparing for the flight into space. His first flight into space took place on April 12th 1961. Gagarin spent 108 minutes there in the spaceship “Vostok”, and this date became an international Cosmonautics Day. After this flight he became a world hero. He visited many countries and met millions of people. He died on March 27th 1968 but will be always dearly remembered in Russia and in many other corners of the globe. Перевод: Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин был выдающимся русским космонавтом. Он был первым человеком, который рискнул совершить путешествие в космос. Гагарин родился 9 марта 1934 года, в маленькой деревушке под названием Клушино, недалеко от Гжатска. Сегодня этот город носит название Гагарин в честь первого российского космонавта. Его семья была не из богатых или знаменитых. Отец Гагарина был скромным работником, а его мама - дояркой. Помимо Юрия, в семье было еще три ребенка. У будущего космонавта было непростое детство. Как и многие люди в те времена, его семья пострадала от нацистской оккупации. Когда он был ребенком, отец научил его делать игрушечные самолеты. В 1941 году он начал посещать местную школу, но его учеба была прервана Второй мировой войной. Вся деревня была оккупирована немцами в ноябре того же года. Тем не менее, жизнь продолжалась, и Юрий рос умным и активным мальчиком. Вместе с матерью, братьями и сестрами он был вынужден прятаться в землянке во время войны. Вскоре они переехали в Гжатск, а затем в Московскую область. В 1951 году он окончил с отличием вечернюю школу в Люберцах. В 1955 году он окончил Саратовский индустриальный техникум. В студенческие годы он также посещал местный авиационный клуб. Постепенно, авиация стала делом всей его жизни. В 1960 году он начал готовиться к полету в космос. Его первый полет в космос состоялся 12 апреля 1961 года. Гагарин провел там 108 минут в космическом корабле «Восток», и эта дата стала международным Днем космонавтики. После этого полета он стал всемирно-известным героем. Он побывал во многих странах, где встречался с миллионами людей. Он умер 27 марта 1968, но его всегда будут помнить в России и других уголках земли.