On Sundays I like to get up late and have a good breakfast.
I usually have scrambled eggs or pancakes.
My mother gets up earlier and cooks it for me. On weekdays I'm always short of time in the morning. So I have only a cup of tea with a couple of sandwiches. Sometimes on Sundays we have lunch not at home. We go shopping and have lunch in a café. We sit at the table together, we order some special food, tell each other news. But unfortunately we can't afford to go there very often, because it's rather expensive for my family. Sometimes we visit our grandparents and have lunch there. My grandmother r is a wonderful cook and her dinners are always delicious. My favorite foods are chicken or fish dishes, spaghetti with cheese, and so on. It is usually my mother who cooks in our family. But sometimes my father and I help her in cooking. I know the recipe of some my favorite dishes. But unfortunately I cook very seldom.
1. The girl was punished by the woman 2. Computers are used at the lessons 3. The rules were explained to the students 4. A special dinner is cooked on the 21 st of May 5. A nice picnic was arranged last week
1. were Если бы Энн была богата, она бы отправила своего сына в Оксфорд 2. would earn Если бы мои родители позволили мне работать по субботам, я бы заработал немного денег на комп. игры 3. is Если погода завтра будет хорошей, я пойду гулять 4. will get Если ты выучишь слова, ты получишь хорошую оценку за тест завтра 5. would go Если бы я знал французский очень хорошо, я бы поехал во Францию на каникулах
Mу meals on Sundays.
On Sundays I like to get up late and have a good breakfast.
I usually have scrambled eggs or pancakes.
My mother gets up earlier and cooks it for me. On weekdays I'm always short of time in the morning. So I have only a cup of tea with a couple of sandwiches. Sometimes on Sundays we have lunch not at home. We go shopping and have lunch in a café. We sit at the table together, we order some special food, tell each other news. But unfortunately we can't afford to go there very often, because it's rather expensive for my family. Sometimes we visit our grandparents and have lunch there. My grandmother r is a wonderful cook and her dinners are always delicious. My favorite foods are chicken or fish dishes, spaghetti with cheese, and so on. It is usually my mother who cooks in our family. But sometimes my father and I help her in cooking. I know the recipe of some my favorite dishes. But unfortunately I cook very seldom.