13)As they were walking, one of the boys fell over
14)They saw that there was a hole in the ground
15)They returned to the woods before school
16) No, they didn't. или ( No, that's not true)
17)No, they didn't. или (No, that's not true)
18)The expert had confirmed that the boys were the first modern people to lay eyes upon the famous Lascaux paintings, which were at least 17,000 years old
/Думаю всё правильно, на втором ответе я не знаю, так как там не пишется про погоду. (Явно осень и скорее всего Облачно (cloudy) /
1. told - past simple, had been published - past perfect passive. 2. will be informed - future simple passive, will leave - future simple. 3. were sold - past simple pasive. 4. was being looked for - past continuous passive. 5. provides - present simple. 1. Он сказал нам, что эта работа была опубликована пять лет назад. 2. Она будет проинформирована об этой экспедиции вовремя и уедет из города. 3. Все билеты на этот концерт были проданы вчера. 4. Его искали три дня. 5. Студентам из отдаленных частей страны наш университет предоставляет общежитие.
10) French village of Montignac
11) -
12) Four friends
13)As they were walking, one of the boys fell over
14)They saw that there was a hole in the ground
15)They returned to the woods before school
16) No, they didn't. или ( No, that's not true)
17)No, they didn't. или (No, that's not true)
18)The expert had confirmed that the boys were the first modern people to lay eyes upon the famous Lascaux paintings, which were at least 17,000 years old
/Думаю всё правильно, на втором ответе я не знаю, так как там не пишется про погоду. (Явно осень и скорее всего Облачно (cloudy) /