Вопрос №170 V1 Do you often look …words in the dictionary?
a) for
b) after
c) at
d) up
e) over
Вопрос №171
V1 One noun does not go with the verb “do”. Which one?
a) a photo
b) exercises
c) research
d) the shopping
e) the housework
Вопрос №172
V1 Are there chips?
a) Any
b) an
c) some
d) a
e) the
Вопрос №173
V1 Have you read the new book written Stephen Hawking?
a) by
b) of
c) with
d) ‘s
e) in
Вопрос №174
V1 Do you get … well with your boss?
a) out
b) on
c) off
d) back
e) or
Вопрос №175
V1 Who do you take … in your family?
a) off
b) up
c) after
d) turn
e) away
Вопрос №176
V1 She ……… a uniform.
a) wear
b) wears
c) wearing
d) to wear
e) has wearing
Вопрос №177
V1 He _ his car every weekend.
a) washes
b) wash
c) washing
d) washed
e) have washing
Вопрос №178
V1 We are happy together, … we?
a) are
b) did
c) do
d) aren’t
e) have
Вопрос №179
V1 My dad ……_ at 7 o’clock everyday.
a) stands up
b) looks up
c) jumps up
d) gets up
e) jumping
Вопрос №180
V1 Isabel is a flight attendant. She passengers.
a) serve
b) to serve
c) serves
d) serving
e) have serving
Вопрос №181
V1 .… I wouldn’t ignore those letters.
a) If you were me
b) If I were you,
c) When I am you
d) If I was you
e) If you been me
Вопрос №182
V1 Jim’s a postman. He letters to people.
a) answers
b) works
c) delivers
d) serves
e) gives
Вопрос №183
V1 We … done our course project yet.
a) haven’t
b) are
c) was
d) have
e) is
Вопрос №184
V1 There must be a problem this software.
a) just
b) with
c) in
d) on
e) at
Вопрос №185
V1 Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He all over the world.
a) goes
b) sees
c) delivers
d) travels
e) gives
Вопрос №186
V1 In winter Sheila skiing and in summer tennis.
a) makes / plays
b) does / plays
c) goes / plays
d) starts / *
e) play/ do
Вопрос №187
V1 My friend’s son Turkish and English at university.
a) has
b) plays
c) studies
d) goes
e) walks
Вопрос №188
V1 Most of the people work at 8 o’clock every morning.
a) finishes
b) does
c) starts
d) goes
e) reads
Вопрос №189
V1 A:……. does Tony Blair live?
B: In Great Britain.
a) When
b) What time
c) Where
d) How
e) Which
- What a beautiful town is Liepaja!
- Yes, it's very interesting and with a lot of sights. Would you like to go to the St. Trinity church?
- Of course. I wonder what it is famous for?
- Well, there is located the largest mechanical organ in the world. In addition, if you go upstairs you can see panorama of Liepaja.
- I heard of a very famous house here. I think it was Czars Peter I house, where he stopped, while he was on a journeys.
- Yeah, you're right. It's is very old and thats why it is closed so you can see it only from outside but anyway it is a heritage.
- What do you personally like in your town?
- Well, since my childhood I love to spend my free time in the park near to the Swan pond with alcove in the middle of the pond.
- Cool, I want to see it. It seems the nature there is wonderful.
- Then let's go.