Task1. Read the texts below and match them with the type of downshifting. For each text there is only one possible answer. There are five types of downshifters according to Amy Salzman A. Urban Escapees B. Career Shifters C. Back-Trackers D. Self-Employers E. Plateauers 1)_ ... actively choose self-demotion or self-firing in order to pursue other goals or open more time for family. For example, one of my best friends left a highly successful 18 year corporate career and became a stay-at-home dad when their first child arrived. My mother stepped down from a long career as an elementary school teacher and became the most overqualified teacher's aide in the Albany school district. .. don't self-demote, but rather choose to stay in place by tuming down promotions and opportunities for advancement. I was department chair several years ago and filled in as temporary chair last semester and both times was happy to leave this position of more responsibility, prestige and money to retum to faculty status. I did this despite the fact that many, including my bosses and those in upper leadership, encouraged me to stay on even consider higher positions in the future. 3). ... make a seemingly small change to their career trajectory or employer that often makes a huge difference in lifestyle as opposed to moving to an entirely different career (so lawyer-turned- novelist doesn't count, but a lawyer-turned-mediator would). Shifting careers is more common than you'd think. Many accountants at Big 4 firms escape their intense work pressures and time demands by taking internal accounting positions at client companies. 4) Many people choose to get off a corporate track and go into business for themselves. This process isn't easy, and involves a lot of financial risk. But if you become your own boss without letting your business take over your life, self-employment can give you the autonomy to lead a better work-life balance.
Originally thought to be the only person without ability in the Umbrella Academy orphanage, Vanya Hargreaves, also known as Number Seven and White Violin, proved to be the most dangerous and powerful of their siblings.
However, Netflix series did not always make it clear what Vanya's abilities are and exactly how they work. Towards the end of Season 1 of Umbrella Academy, it was revealed that since Vanya's powers were tied to her emotional state, Reginald Hargreaves tried and failed to control Vanya's powers. Rather than risk losing control of Number Seven, he decided instead to keep Vanya on strong medication and make her listen to Allison and believe she was ordinary.
In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”