ответить на вопросы: 1. Did you give me some money?
2. Did you stand at the bus stop?
3. Did you choose the blue pen?
4. Did you run to class this (morning)?
5. Did you sleep well last night?
6. Did you hear that noise outside the window?
7. Did you withdraw some money from the bank?
8. Did you wake up at seven this morning?
9. Did you swim in the ocean?
10. Did you go home after class yesterday?
e.g. / don't have many English books. - I have few English books. I have a few English books.
1. My brother doesn't have many friends. - My brother has few friends.
2. Usually my mother doesn't ask me many questions. - Usually my mother asks me few questions.
3. My sister doesn't play these computer games many times. - My sister plays little these commputer games.
4. We don't have many programmers at the office. - We have a few programmers at the office.
5. Our parents don't buy many newspapers every day. - Our parents buy few newspapers every day.
6. Many people don't like to listen to bad news. - Few people like to listen to bad news.
7. His lawyer doesn't have much work. - His lawyer has a little work.
8. Our chief is busy. He doesn't have much time today. - He has a little time today.
9. These people don't have much money. - These people have little money. 10. This woman doesn't buy much coffee. - This woman buys little coffee.
11. I don't have much sugar in my tea. - I have a little sugar in my tea.
6.4 Переведите данные предложения, используя неопределенные местоимения few, a few или little, a little:
1. У этого мальчика мало (фотографий) - This boy has few photos.
2. У моего коллеги мало друзей. - My colleague has few friends.
3. У этого программиста мало дискет. - This programmer has few disks.
4. У этих людей мало книг. - These people have few books.
5. У этих детей мало игр. - These children have few games.
6. У меня сегодня мало времени. - I have a little time today.
7. У этих менеджеров мало работы. - These managers have a little work today.
8. У их родителей мало денег. - Their parents have a little money.
9. Его жена всегда готовит мало мяса. - His wife always cooks a little meat.
10. Почему она покупает мало воды? - Why does she always buy little water?
11. Почему он читает мало газет? - Why does he read few newspapers?
12. Каждый день наша секретарша посылает несколько факсов в Англию. - Everyday our secretary sends a few faxs to England.
13. Каждую неделю этот программист находит несколько новых файлов в Интернете. - Every week this programmer finds a few new files on the internet.
14. Каждый месяц этот ребенок остается несколько раз один дома. - Every month few times this child stays home.
15. Каждый вечер эта девушка говорит с несколькими друзьями по телефону. - Every evening this girl talks to few friends on the phone.
16. Этот учитель всегда отвечает на несколько вопросов после урока. - After the lesson this teacher always answers few questions.
17. У меня есть немного времени. Я собираюсь посмотреть телевизор. - I have a little time. I'm going to watch TV.
18. Когда у этой девушки есть немного денег, она всегда покупает новые книги. - When this girl has a little money, she always buys new books.
19. Этот программист любит кофе. У него всегда есть немного кофе в офисе. - This programmer likes coffee. He always have a little coffee at the office.
20. Дайте мне немного воды! - Give me little water, please!