❗ ❗Напишите рассказ как вы провели новогодние праздники используя время past Simple 12-15 предложений напишите что я провел его в деревне с бабушкой и дедушкой)
I want to start my tale , how did mine holidays goed.
I was sent by my parents to a village, in which my grandparents lived.
When i came to their house, they was happy and suprised to see me again.
I visited them before, when i was a toddler, but now i can remember whatever about them.
They told me , what can i do, showed me mine new bed, and asked me to help them with gardening. My grandmother very loved gardening. Grandfather didn't like it much, cause in his childhood he got his spine traumatized. But he loved my grandmother, so he helped her.
So, we went to our garden. And i was suprised, how many amazing seeds and plants they got! i didn't even recognized some of them! They showed me how to gardening, where is some tools. After some time, i started to crop up plants, plant the seeds, and many more. They teached me many things about gardening, and even more! I liked my visit to grandparents very much, honestly. I am believing i will visit them again someday.
Computers have had a great impact on society. Computers are used in everything Not only have computers had a great impact on our everyday life, but also on education and the workplace. The Internet has had a huge impact on society. Around the world, the Internet is available to millions of people. the majority of the information and services available are free in the Internet. The idea of remote learning can be applied everywhere. Although computers can cause some problems, such as unemployment and computer viruses, these are far outweighed by the benefits computers provide. computers and technology will continue to have an increasing effect on society
Компьютеры оказали большое влияние на общество. Компьютеры используются во всем.Компьютеры оказали большое влияние Не только на нашу повседневную жизнь, но и на образование и на рабочие места. Интернет оказал огромное влияние на общество. Во всем мире, Интернет доступен миллионам людей. Большинство информации и услуг, доступны бесплатно в Интернете. Идеи дистанционного обучения могут быть применены во всем мире. Хотя компьютеры могут вызвать некоторые проблемы, такие как безработица и компьютерные вирусы, они намного перевешивают преимущества которые компьютеры предоставляют. Компьютеры и технологии будут продолжать оказывать все большее влияние на общество
1. Tim does not his morning exercises every day. Тим не делает каждый день утреннюю зарядку. Does Tim do his morning...? What does Tim do every day? 2.He doesn't always smoke before lunch. Он не всегда курит до обеда. Does he always smoke before lunch? When does he always smoke? 3.Mary’s mother didn't teach her how to cook. Мама Мэри не учила её как готовить. Did Mary's mother teach her how to cook? Whom did Mary's mother how to cook? 4.Yesterday we spent a lot of money. (What?) 5.My sister will not wear her new dress. Моя сестра не будет носить её новое платье. Will your sister wear her new dress? When will your sister wear her new dress? 6.We shall not join them later. Мы не должны присоединиться к ним позже. Shall we join them later? Why shall we join them later?
I want to start my tale , how did mine holidays goed.
I was sent by my parents to a village, in which my grandparents lived.
When i came to their house, they was happy and suprised to see me again.
I visited them before, when i was a toddler, but now i can remember whatever about them.
They told me , what can i do, showed me mine new bed, and asked me to help them with gardening. My grandmother very loved gardening. Grandfather didn't like it much, cause in his childhood he got his spine traumatized. But he loved my grandmother, so he helped her.
So, we went to our garden. And i was suprised, how many amazing seeds and plants they got! i didn't even recognized some of them! They showed me how to gardening, where is some tools. After some time, i started to crop up plants, plant the seeds, and many more. They teached me many things about gardening, and even more! I liked my visit to grandparents very much, honestly. I am believing i will visit them again someday.