Ed the test and match the words below. in my neighbourhood there are many places to go. If I am hungry I can go to a restaurant and eat. The
office in my neighbourhood where I can mail a letter to my grandmother. There is a shopping mall to g
shopping a bakery where I can buy a birthday cake too! If I want to read some books or do my homew
go to the library. I go to the cinema with my friends to watch a movie. My favourite place is the bank, be
can get money there! There is an internet bar in my neighbourhood, my elder brother goes there to sur
Internet or play computer games.
Количество соединений: 6
1) a place where we can eat
a) library
2) a place where we can get money
b) internet bar
3) a place where we send letters
c) movie
4) a place where we can read books
d) post office
S) another word for cinema
e) bank
6) a place where we can surf the internet
1) restaurant
Yesterday was a busy day for me. In the morning I didn't watch TV and I didn't listen to music. I helped my mother and my father with the housework. I tidied my room and I cleaned the bathroom. Then it was time to go shopping. We wanted to take the bus to the shops, but the bus didn't stop for us. So, we walked all the way to the shops. We shopped for two hours. On the way home, I carried a heavy shopping bag. We didn't walk by home. This time we didn't miss the bus. We arrived back home at four o'clock. I was very tired. What a day!
Вчера был напряженный день для меня. Утром я не смотрел телевизор, и я не слушал музыку. Я маме и отцу по дому. Я прибрал свою комнату, и я убрал ванную. Тогда пришло время ходить по магазинам. Мы хотели сесть на автобус до магазинов, но автобус не остановился для нас. Итак, мы весь путь до магазинов. Мы покупали в течение двух часов. По дороге домой я достал тяжелую сумку. Мы не ходили домой. На этот раз мы не пропустили автобус. Мы вернулись домой в четыре часа. Я очень устал. Что за день!