6 Read the list of the most famous plays written by Shakespeare.
a) Say if you have heard anything about some of them.
1593 “The Comedy of Errors"
1595 “Romeo and Juliet"
['reumiəv en 'dzu:ljət]
1596 "A Midsummer Night's
1597 "The Merchant of
1599 "Julius Caesar"
1600 “As You Like It"
1600 "Twelfth Night"
1601 “Hamlet”
1603 “All's Well That Ends
1604 "Othello” ſəv'Oeləv]
1606 "King Lear” [liə]
1606 "Macbeth” [mǝk'beo]
ɪts maɪ kʌp ɒv tiː.
bʊks ɑː fʊl ɒv aɪˈdɪəz,
dəʊnt juː əˈgriː?
bʊks kæn tiːʧ ænd ɪkˈsaɪt,
bʊks kæn ˈkʌmfət ænd θrɪl,
bʊks kæn ʃəʊ juː ðə wɜːld,
ænd wɪl meɪk juː fiːl.
ˈfʌni bʊks meɪk miː lɑːf,
rəʊˈmænsɪz meɪk miː kraɪ,
ədˈvɛnʧə bʊks meɪk miː ˈhæpi,
aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ waɪ.
ˈθrɪləz bɔː miː tuː dɛθ,
ˈfæntəsi ɪz gʊd fʌn.
ænd aɪ dəʊnt riːd ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən,
aɪv ˈnɛvə dʌn.
ɔːl ðəʊz ˈrəʊbɒts ænd faɪts,
ænd ˈeɪliən ʃɪps,
meɪk miː kraɪ æt naɪt,
meɪk miː wɔːk ɪn maɪ sliːp.
bʊks wɪl nɒt lɛt juː daʊn,
bʊks wɪl ˈnɛvə mɪsˈliːd,
wɛn juː meɪk ə njuː frɛnd,
ɑːsk hɪm "wɒt duː juː riːd?"