1. Barry, start studying! If you don't finish homework, you won't be allowed to go out tonight.
2. I wish I had loads of money. If I were rich, I would buy a new sports car.
3. Don’t eat any more chocolate! If you eat all that chocolate, you'll get sick.
4. Why don’t you want to help your brother? If he could do that alone, he won't be asking for your help.
5. I don’t think that red dress suits you. If I were you, I'd buy the blue one.
6. Come on, guys. Let’s watch the new Indiana Jones film. Jack won't come to the cinema with us unless we watch Indiana Jones.
Meet The Youngsters. They're a young band and they think they're the next big thing! They (1) are going to play a concert tonight, and after that there's going to be a tour. I spoke to the lead singer,Tom White"Are (3) you going to play your own songs tonight?"Yes. We're going (4)to show people what we can do . Where (5) are you going to play on the tour?"We're (6) not going to visit a lot of places - just three towns. The tour bus (7) is going to take us to the first town right after tonight's concert. Good luck and I hope it's a great tour.Thanks. We're going (8) to do our best!
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