Ex4 10.3.2 10.3.6 10.4.2 10.4.7 Read the text and answer the questions. Discuss with your partner. 1. What physical change did the Boston scientists see in the mice in their experiment?
2 What problem is there with performing the Boston procedure on people?
3 What builds up in our cells as we age?
4 What did the New York scientists achieve?
5 What global problem does the writer mention that could be affected by anti-aging treatments?
6 How does eating tomatoes help us achieve younger-looking skin?
7 Why might reversing the aging process one day become a reality?
Ex5 THINK! In three minutes, write four things that you have learnt from the text. Tell the class.
1) in the 15th century, leonardo dicaprio wanted to build a helicopter but he couldn't seriously consider doing so because the technology didn't exist (build ,do) 2. Although H.G. Wells could imagine travelling to the moon, he failed to understand how it could be done. For example, he seemed unthinkable it would be possible without special breathing systems (travel,understand,think) 3. Arthur Clarke enjoys thinking about space adventures but he avoids writing about things without explaining how they might be possible one day (think, write,explain) 4. Would you agree to postpone going back to school if you could travel to the moon (postpone, go)
Я работаю вместе со своим другом. Нам нравится играть в теннис.
2. their
Они из Канады, и их родственники всё еще там живут.
3. my, my
Я люблю проводить выходные со своей семьей.
4. my
Взгляни-ка! Вот мой новый дом. Красивый, правда?
5. his
Чей это пёс? - Его. У него еще есть кошка и хомяки.
6. her
Аня и её мама - учительницы.
7. his
Майкл - француз, а его жена - немка.
8. My, our
Мы с сестрой американцы, а наши дедушка с бабушкой - греки.
9. Her
Мама у Генри - медсестра. Её зовут Люси.
10. their
Элис и Билл - доктора. И их сын - студент-медик.