4. If I could interview a famous person It would be Rihanna and I would ask her "How is it to be famous?".
5. If I could travel round the world I would visit United Kingdom, China and Australia. Because I love their national food.
6. If I could change 1 thing about myself It would be something about my appearance, maybe It would be my eyes or hair.
7. If I could be someone famous for 1 day, I would be Jackie Chan, because I think he is so cool.
8. If I were an animal, I would be owl, because they are wise and nice.
9. If I could change one event in the history It would be any war, because I think people don't deserve death and all people should live in peace.
10. If I had a chance I would choose happy, because either rich or famous people can be unhappy. When you are happy you can do anything in this world.
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Форма с окончанием -ing (Причастие I). 2) Глаголы настоящего и будущего времени по лицам и числам а глаголы в времени по родам и числам 3) Present — настоящее будущее Каждое из них имеет по четыре типа: простое — simple длительное — continuous совершенное — perfect совершенное длительное — perfect continuous Получается, что в английском языке на самом деле двенадцать основных временных форм.