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19.02.2021 22:21 •  Английский язык

O Present perfect passive or Past perfect passive! 1. The talks are over and the agreement just (sign).
2. The tree that (blow) down in the storm, was blocking our way.
3. Since the house (sell), the poor children had no place to live.
4. The decision (make) yet? I'm rather tired of waiting.
5. Ian was surprised to see that all his things (pack) into bags and boxes and (put) into the hall.
6. Everything was ready for the trip: the tickets (buy), the last-minute shopping (do), the
children (warn) not to make too much noise on the train.
7. We've been talking for more than an hour and nothing important (say) yet.
8. I'm rather confused. I (ask) to write a poem and I've never done it in my whole life.
9. We can't get inside the house, the key to the door (lose).
10. The Smiths never came to live in San Francisco after the famous bridge (build).

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Antarctica is one of the six continents of the Earth, which is located in the southern hemisphere. The continent is washed by three oceans - the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian. Many small islands adjoin it, thus forming part of the world. a large piece of ice and stone. Antarctica is a huge piece of ice. There is a constant permafrost, a huge number of penguins live, sometimes you can find rare plant species that have adapted to low temperatures.

Antarctica is the highest place on earth. In addition to the eternal cold, there is observed the lowest humidity on the planet, the strongest winds and solar radiation. This continent has long attracted the interest of scientists around the world. The mainland does not belong to any of the states, there can only be scientific research. Most of the continent is covered with a thick layer of ice. In places, there are dry elevations, volcanoes, mountains, valleys, which are located above the surface of the ice cover. Under the ice also has its own relief, which mainly consists of mountain ranges.

On the mainland there is the largest crater on the planet. There is a hypothesis that 250 million years ago a huge asteroid fell to Earth, forming this crater. With the fall of the asteroid exploded, and from the dust on the cosmic body led to a long cooling. All plants and animals of that era died. Scientists have long discovered remains of plants and birds of the time in the glacial layers.

In winter, the temperature on the mainland reaches minus 80 ° C, (centigrade), in summer - minus 40 °C. On the coast, summer temperatures can be above zero to 5 degrees. Melting of ice begins. At the time of global warming, small trees had appeared on the mainland forming tundra. The land, which has no ice, is covered with moss and lichen, mushrooms and algae. On the coast you can meet seals and penguins.


Антарктида — это один из шести континентов Земли, который находится в южном полушарии. Материк омывается тремя океанами - Атлантическим, Тихим и Индийским. К нему прилегают множество мелких островов, образуя тем самым часть света. большой кусок льда и камня. Антарктида - это огромный кусок льда. Там постоянная мерзлота, живет огромное количество пингвинов, иногда можно встретить редкие виды растений, которые при к низкой температуре.

Антарктида - это самое высокое место на земле. Помимо вечного холода, там наблюдается самая низкая влажность на планете, самые сильные ветра и солнечная радиация. Этот материк уже давно вызвал интерес ученых по всему миру. Материк не относится ни к одному из государств, там могут проводиться только научные исследования. Большая часть континента покрыта толстым слоем льда. Местами встречаются сухие возвышенности, вулканы, горы, долины, которые располагаются над поверхностью ледяного покрова. Подо льдом также имеется свои рельеф, который в основном состоит из горных цепей.

На материке имеется самый крупный на планете кратер. Существует гипотеза, что 250 миллионов лет назад на Землю упал огромный астероид, образовав этот кратер. При падении астероид взорвался, и пыль от космического тела привела к длительному похолоданию. Погибли все растения и животные той эпохи. Учёными уже давно обнаружены в ледниковых слоях остатки растений и птиц того времени.

Зимой температура на материке достигает минус 80°C, (по цельсию), летом - минус 40°C. На побережье температура летом бывает выше нуля до отметки 5 градусов. Начинается таяние льдов. На момент глобального потепления на материке успели появиться небольшие деревья образовав тундру. Суша, которая не имеет льда, покрыта мхом и лишайниками, грибами и водорослями. На побережье можно встретить тюленей и пингвинов.

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I think that flowers are the most amazing creation on Earth. Thanks to their wonderful properties, they are able to purify the air in the room, be medicines. But perhaps most importantly, they are a decoration and delight the eyes of everyone who loves them.

In our family, flowers are always there, they are everywhere: on the windowsills, on the balcony, in the garden, and on the table in a crystal vase.

I have a love for these amazing plants from my mother, she has long been engaged in floriculture, all the time planting new varieties, especially loves roses. By assisting

she is in the garden, I hear a lot of very interesting stories about these amazing flowers. She knows a lot, reads a lot, so I want to share my knowledge. It is believed that this is very interesting and sometimes just amazing.

There is, for example, such a flower as "puya raimondii", it blooms once in a lifetime, but blooms only when the plant reaches the age of one hundred and fifty years! This flower is recognized by scientists of the world as the most rarely blooming on the whole planet. It is a pity that after flowering it dies. There is a flower clock that was invented by Carl Linnaeus, who lived in Sweden.

He was studying the flowers, found that some types of

they can flourish, and they are strongly modified at this time. Conducting his research and understanding what flowers bloom at what time, he laid them out in the form of hour hands and turned out a unique "device" for determining the time. One problem – they did not want to bloom, if it was overcast, give them the sun!

From my mother, I learned that the smallest flower is “duckweed floating”, it reaches 1 mm, and the largest, about ninety centimeters in Rafflesia Arnoldi. I also learned that some flowers naturally grow in places where there are certain types of minerals, explorers use this feature, and flowers, as pointers, help them in their search. Some flowers, such as roses, have a rich symbolism that is directly related to relationships among people.

The meaning of the color language is complex and very diverse. For example, red roses, as a sign of respect and love, are given to mothers and grandmothers for serious celebrations. The white color of roses means purity and innocence, so they are often given to young ladies by young men in love.

The pink color of the flower means sympathy, that's what they get on the first date. My mother has a very interesting story about cream-and-white roses, she now receives them every year from my father on their wedding day, this has become a tradition in our family since the very first day of my parents ' life together.

Knowing about my mother's love for flowers, my father often tries to pamper her, bringing home not only bouquets of roses, but also an armful of field daisies, or a small, but so great-smelling bouquet of lilies of the valley. Getting flowers is always a pleasure!

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