Do you need a book? Variant 1 I. Match the words and word-combinations with their translation.
1) A catalogue a) емоційний
2) Non- fiction b) автор
3) Poetry c) документальна література
4) An essay d) каталог
1) To contain e) дворянин
2) Emotional f) каталог
3) An author g) поезія
4) Noble h) твір, есе
II. Choose the correct answer, active or passive.
1) German and English (teach/ are taught) at school.
2) Many books (published/are published) every year.
3) Young people usually (read/are read) teens magazines.
4) This book (sold/was sold) in Ukraine.
III) Fill in the words: William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
well-known poetry famous people love story dramatist plays
1. William Shakespeare the greatest .
2. He is for his great tragedies.
3. The best known in the world is Romeo and Juliet.
4. Shakespeare's were staged in many theatres and translated into different languages.
5. William Shakespeare also wrote including the sonnets.
6. Many sayings come from his works.
7. They are read and loved by many .
IV Translate the sentences
1 Моя улюблена книга « Гаррі Поттер».
2 Це пригодницька історія.
3 Вона написана Д. Роулінг.
4 Це історія про хлопчика по імені Гаррі, який став сиротою.
5 Головні персонажі- Гаррі та його друзі.
V. Write about the latest book you have read and meaning of books in our life .