5.9. Заполните пропуски в предложениях модальными глаголами can, may или must: 1.One … identify many plants by studying their leaves.
2.Only plants … create food, animals obtain food only by eating plants or other animals.
3.A leaf … manufacture food by means of photosynthesis, otherwise a plant will die.
4.The structure of a leaf … be different in various species.
5.A leaf … capture the sun's energy and build complex molecules from raw materials.
6.You … see the midrib of the blade without a microscope.
7.Dicot leaves … be either simple or compound.
8.The leaf edge … be indented in various ways.
9.Eucalyptus trees grow in California, but these broad-leavedevergreens … not compete successfully with deciduous trees where the climate turns cold.
10.You … not touch that plant! It's poisonous.
11.You … take those flowers, I'll bring some more.
12.Whatever man does to his forests, he … consider the whole ecosystem, including the soil in its relationship to vegetation.
13.Larches are one of the few species that … stand the climate close to the frigid, empty tundra.
14.A plant … adjust itself to the environment in which it grows if it is to survive.
Задание №2
. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Mary is a secretary. 2. Have you got a book? Give me the book. 3. Does Tom collect stamps? 4. Would you like an apple? 5. Mary has got a small flat in the center of the city. 6. This is a nice house. Does it have a garden? 7. Have you finished reading the book which Mike gave you? Return him the book, please.
Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1. My brothers are students. 2. Where are keys? 3. Our rooms are big. 4. Them families are small. 5. Those are books. 6. Here are pencils. 7. What are the answers? 8. Go to the windows. 9. We can see ships. 10. Those are doors. 11. Here lived Frenchmen. 12. These are apples. 13. These sheep are fat. 14. Those are orders. 15. These are pleasures.