John green (eng. John Green; R. August 24, 1977) is an American writer, author of books for Teens, most famous novels which were "the Fault in our stars" (2012), "looking for Alaska" (2005) and "Paper towns" (2008). Video blogger and Creator of online educational videos. Green the winner of the prestigious Pritzker prize (2006) for his debut novel "looking for Alaska", and his latest novel "the Fault in our stars" debuted at No. 1 on the bestseller list "new York times" in January 2012. An eponymous film adaptation, released in 2014, at the time of the premiere in the United States was number 1 in the box office, collecting over the entire period of the rental in the United States $124 438 000. In 2014 green was included in the list of "100 most influential people in the world" by Time magazine. In addition to writing, Greene is also known for its activities in the field of Internet technologies. In 2007, he launched the YouTube channel VlogBrothers (English).Russian., managed with his brother, Hank green. He also implemented such Internet projects as "Amazing" and VidCon (English).Russian. and created, along with his brother, a total of 11 online series of educational programs, including world history, biology, ecology, chemistry, psychology and other disciplines.
Озеро Байкал в России - самое глубокое озеро в мире. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world.
Озеро Байкал служит естественным буфером для трансграничного потока загрязнителей, предотвращая их влияние на расположенные ниже по течению водотоки. Lake Baikal serves as a natural barrier for the transboundary flow of pollutants, preventing their impact on the downstream parts of the watercourse.
Нашими целями является поощрение экотуризма, поощрение экономического развития на местах и создание международного движения, которое будет охранять и защищать озеро Байкал. Our goals are to encourage ecotourism, foster local economic development and build an international movement that will preserve and protect Lake Baikal.
Область питания бассейна реки Енисей состоит из следующих основных водотоков: река Селенга, озеро Байкал (31500 км2 и реки Енисей и Ангара). The recharge area of the Yenisey basin is made up of the following principal watercourses: the Selenga River, Lake Baikal (31,500 km2) and the Yenisey and Angara rivers.
Амур, Енисей, Озеро Байкал Amur, Jenissey, Lake Baikal
Он налил там озеро Байкал. He just made Lake Erie out there.
Митинг в защиту озера Байкал состоится 11 апреля в 14 часов в Академгородке у ДК "Академия". Мы требуем отмены распоряжения премьер-министра Владимира Путина о возобновлении работы Байкальского целлюлозно-бумажного комбината, которое приведет к сбросу сточных вод в озеро Байкал. Citizents of Novosibirsk sent more than 1000 claims to the organization committee of public hearing that will take place in February, 20, at 11 a.m. in the City Administration.
Среди озер земного шара озеро Байкал занимает первое место по глубине (1637 м) и восьмое место по площади. Baikal is the oldest lake of the world, its age it defined by the scientists as 25 million years. Lake's usual life-time is 1015 million years, after that period they get filled with sediment and disappear.
Озеро Байкал длиной 646 километров и глубиной больше полутора километров, содержит пятую часть запасов пресной воды на нашей планете. 400 miles long and over a mile deep, Baikal contains one fifth of all the fresh water found in our planet's lakes and rivers.
Маленькая река стремительно несётся по ущельям к широким низинным равнинам, где её вода образует большие потоки, питающие жемчужину Сибири - озеро Байкал. In the east the bears can indulge in one of Kamchatka's natural wonders- the valley of the geysers.
Green the winner of the prestigious Pritzker prize (2006) for his debut novel "looking for Alaska", and his latest novel "the Fault in our stars" debuted at No. 1 on the bestseller list "new York times" in January 2012. An eponymous film adaptation, released in 2014, at the time of the premiere in the United States was number 1 in the box office, collecting over the entire period of the rental in the United States $124 438 000. In 2014 green was included in the list of "100 most influential people in the world" by Time magazine.
In addition to writing, Greene is also known for its activities in the field of Internet technologies. In 2007, he launched the YouTube channel VlogBrothers (English).Russian., managed with his brother, Hank green. He also implemented such Internet projects as "Amazing" and VidCon (English).Russian. and created, along with his brother, a total of 11 online series of educational programs, including world history, biology, ecology, chemistry, psychology and other disciplines.