My dream school is an institution where everything is done for the benefit of children and students.
School is a place where you have to study for 9 or 11 years, which is quite a lot. Therefore, it should be as comfortable here as at home. Although the schools are well organized now, there is no limit to perfection, and in any case there is room for improvement.
Source: Essay on the theme School of my dreams First, there are no teachers who like to vent their anger on children. After all, I don't want to teach the lessons of noisy and harmful people (no matter how interesting the subject is).
Secondly, you can choose your own food in the dining room. For example, if today there is no mood to eat potatoes, children can take pasta. And if there is an opportunity to take a dessert or fruit, it's generally great.
Everyone would love it if the students could wear whatever they want. Jeans, sweaters, skirts, jewelry - whatever your heart desires. If you can't remove the form, then at least you need to make it beautiful.
Source: Essay on the theme School of my dreams First, there are no teachers who like to vent their anger on children. After all, I don't want to teach the lessons of noisy and harmful people (no matter how interesting the subject is).
Secondly, you can choose your own food in the dining room. For example, if today there is no mood to eat potatoes, children can take pasta. And if there is an opportunity to take a dessert or fruit, it's generally great.
Everyone would love it if the students could wear whatever they want. Jeans, sweaters, skirts, jewelry - whatever your heart desires. If you can't remove the form, then at least you need to make it beautiful.
1 - I don,t
2 - I don,t
3 - I am not
4 - I don,t
5 - I don,t
6 - I am not
7 - I am not
8 - I don,t
9 - I listen , I don,t
10 - I am not
11 - I am not
12 - I don,t
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3) для описания запланированного действия
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