Запиши речення у заперечній формі. i have a pencil-box in my bad.ihave a kitten in the box. we have pictures in the room. vira has a doll in her hand. he has a ruer on his desk.
I have not a pencil-box in my bad. I have not a kitten in the box. We have not pictures in the room. Vira has not a doll in her hand. He has not a ruer on his desk.
I haven't a pencil-box in my bad. I haven't a kitten in the box. We haven't pictures in the room. Vira hasn't a doll in her hand. He hasn't a ruer on his desk.
Мой брат Самэд - студент. Он не работает.У него плохо с деньгами. Он тратит много денег на одежду.А на книги он тратит совсем мало.Мои родители не дают ему много денег.Но моя бабушка дает ему их каждый раз,когда видит его. Моя сестра Айгюн имеет новую работу. Она работает учителем на курсах англ. языка.Она никогда не заходит после работы. Она говорит, что она любит оставаться с ее маленьким сыном дома. Ее сыну 4 года. Он милый. Мой отец Али - доктор.Он хороший доктор.Он любит свою работу.Он мне делать мою домашнюю работу
1. There has been..a..bank robbery. ..The..police are coming soon. 2 You should take .an/the... umbrella with you as there is great threat of rain today. 3 What's on TV tonight? I think .an... amusing serial is beginning. 4. .The... news I heard today was really threatening. 5 Hollywood is ..a.. home to ..the.. American film industry. 6) ..The.. BBC is ..the.. best-known radio and television system in Great Britain if not in ..the.. world. 7) ..The.. main discussion was about current events which were not very pleasant. 8) It is ...a. great shame to say such words. You should be really sorry that you have used such vulgar idioms. 9. No news is good news. 10) ..The.. Internet is ...a. global computer network. 11. Some programmes on TV give examples of humiliation and bad taste. 12 It's so annoying to have commercials while watching interesting films or other programmes. 1 The police (have) been here for an hour already. 2 This data (is) very important to create a new programme. 3. The news about the coming storm (is) threatening. 4. Radio as well as television (are) media that form public opinion 5. My pyjamas (have) been washed by my mum. 6 This advice sounds really cruel. 7 The information on Channel Six (is) not al- The toast (has) been burnt a bit. You can have some bread The Internet (has) a lot of influence on people. 10 These data (are) wrong, there are a lot of mistakes here.