1. If number of speakers decrease, some languages will be endangered. 2. If Internet reaches all corners of the world, English as the Net language will influence the culture of non-speaking countries. 3. If English keeps on being global, other languages won’t set foot on Internet. 4. The world’s linguistic experts will be alarmed if many languages disappear at an alarming rate. 5. If some tribes aren’t urbanized and assimilated into mainstream, their languages won’t die out. 6. Youngsters will be able to communicate with people from abroad, if they learn foreign languages. 7. If the EU wasn’t worried about endangered languages, they wouldn’t issue a special directive on preserving them. 8. If minority languages aren’t politically tolerated, they will be in jeopardy. 9. If the high number of languages spoken in the EU corridors, it would be like a Tower of Babel. 10. If English is the language of trade and diplomacy, it will be considered as lingua franca nowadays.
Вот перевод заполните пары предложений с настоящей простой или настоящей непрерывной формы глагола «носить» 1. люди часто шарф зимой. сегодня жарко, поэтому я футболка. 2 "оставить" почему рут так рано этим вечером? в какое время последний автобус по пятницам? 3 "взять" я никогда твои вещи. почему вы так много фотографий 4 "не вижу" меринда ее друг каждый день она он снова до следующей пятницы! 5 «пуск» поторопись! это дождь наш первый урок в 8.30. 6 "работа" где твоя мама обычно она поздно вечером?
2. If Internet reaches all corners of the world, English as the Net language will influence the culture of non-speaking countries.
3. If English keeps on being global, other languages won’t set foot on Internet. 4. The world’s linguistic experts will be alarmed if many languages disappear at an alarming rate.
5. If some tribes aren’t urbanized and assimilated into mainstream, their languages won’t die out.
6. Youngsters will be able to communicate with people from abroad, if they learn foreign languages.
7. If the EU wasn’t worried about endangered languages, they wouldn’t issue a special directive on preserving them.
8. If minority languages aren’t politically tolerated, they will be in jeopardy.
9. If the high number of languages spoken in the EU corridors, it would be like a Tower of Babel.
10. If English is the language of trade and diplomacy, it will be considered as lingua franca nowadays.