1. Dr. Shaw says most people would have a healthier diet if they had more time.. 2. If you have a healthy diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables, you don't have to exercise. - [1] 3. Dr. Shaw says men in their 50s tend to smoke and drink too much coffee. [1]
2) Acrobats can jump well, can't they... ?
3) Yesterday clowns played tricks, didn't they... ?
4) You won't go to the circus tomorrow, will you... ?
5) They didn't play music, did they... ?
Write it in Englih .
1) наездница - a horsewoman
2) дрессировщик - a trainer
3) музыкант - a musician
4) жонглёр - a juggler
5) дрессированный - trained/tamed
6) акробат - an acrobat
7) цирк - a circus
8) зрители - spectators
9) выступать перед зрителями - to perform in front of the spectators
10) арена - an arena / a stage