Hi my dear friend! I am going to tell you about my school since you are my best friend. I returned to school again. I didn't like my first day at school. It was cold and rather boring. And the worst part of it is that my classes begin at eight o'clock. I usually come a little earlier so I have an opportunity to talk a little to my friends. We discuss the last school and home news. Soon the bell rings, and we hurry to a class. Usually I have 7 lessons a day, sometimes less. Today they ended up unusually early. During the most lessons we were only introduced to the new topics we are going to learn this year..
Это островное государство. Оно занимает территорию в два крупных острова и несколько поменьше. Его побережье длинной в 6000 миль. Сравнивая с Россией, этот остров покажется маленьким, но географически он разнообразен. Южная и восточная части острова состоят из плоских равнин и холмов. Горные районы обнаружены только на севере и западе. В этой стране ты никогда не будешь вдали от берега, там также находится множество морских курортов. Климат умеренный, никогда не бывает слишком жарко или холодно. Идут постоянные дожди большую часть года. Главные пассажирские порты и аэропорты находятся на юго-востоке. Это богатая страна, одна из самых богатых в мире.
I am going to tell you about my school since you are my best friend.
I returned to school again. I didn't like my first day at school. It was cold and rather boring. And the worst part of it is that my classes begin at eight o'clock. I usually come a little earlier so I have an opportunity to talk a little to my friends. We discuss the last school and home news. Soon the bell rings, and we hurry to a class. Usually I have 7 lessons a day, sometimes less. Today they ended up unusually early. During the most lessons we were only introduced to the new topics we are going to learn this year..