At the airport Use the words in brackets to make sentences in Future Simple. :) 1. Amina tickets at the station. (to buy) 2. The family travel) to Nur-Sultan. (not to 3.1 you at gate number 8? (to meet) v Check
Общеизвестно, что собака-друг человека. Это животное очень предано своему хозяину. В этой связи как не вспомнить фильм "Белый Бим черное ухо",в котором рассказывается о беспредельной верности собаки пожилому хозяину. Бим стал смыслом жизни больного человека его от одиночества. За любовь хозяина пес платит преданностью и верностью, тоскует, когда тот попадает в больницу, отправляется на его поиски. Вот такого бы друга хотела бы заиметь и я. Такой друг не предаст и не бросит. Нужно только не забывать, что мы в ответе за тех, кого приручили. Надо уметь ухаживать за собакой: выгуливать ее, кормить по расписанию, заботиться о ней, не "выбрасывать"прирученного друга на улицу за ненадобностью
Family ConflictsКонфликты в семьеEvery family has problems because there are no ideal relationships. Conflicts usually appear between parents and their teenage offsprings. Wise parents try to decide such problems without insulting or pressurizing children. Teenagers are rather sensitive. They are going through a difficult period, when they have to choose future occupation, friends, interests. It’s also the time of first love and tears. So, parents should understand this and try to help them instead of useless moralizing. One of the most difficult problems among adults and youngsters is the struggle for independence. At some point children realize that they want to be independent, they don’t need help or advice from parents. They want to be left alone and to decide for themselves. That’s when family conflicts start. The only solution is to hear each other and to talk about it. Unfortunately, teens don’t understand that some things or situations can be dangerous and can have unwanted effects. This is the time when many youngsters try alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, not knowing that this one try can ruin all their life. They don’t understand that parents have gone through this and know how behave in certain situation. Meanwhile, adults should understand that their children are no longer kindergarten kids. They have grown and they need special attention. Family conflict is not a disaster. It can be solved if treated sensibly. There are many family therapists and psychologists nowadays, who help to solve such problems. The main condition is not to let it become too deep.
я хз,напиши в ватсап аддавжвжыжы9ыы