ответ:a 1.6 km- how deep the ice is, b December1911 - when explores first reached the South Pole.
2. In 2011, a group of brave adventurers decided to plant Kazakhstan’s flag at the Earth’s South Pole in the centre of Antarctica.
3. They set a new land speed record between Novolazarevskaya and the South Pole
4. It was especially dangerous to travel by car on ice
5. Cars can reach the Pole in a few days and are a viable alternative to airplanes when the weather is too bad to fly. It is also easier and faster to move around Antarctica by car
1) тMy birthday is December twelweth.
2)I am from Nizhny Tagil , Ural region, Russia.
3) My religion is Orthodox Christianity.
4) I live at Darwin 2.
5) My poctal code:622021
6) I have grandmother, sister and aunt.
7) In the past, she worked for 40 years in a factory/
8) My sister is a high school student. She is in 8 th grade.
9) My aunt is a manager in a large company. She works in Yekaterinburg.
10) I have 4 cats.
11)I really care about my pets.
12)I enjoy swimming, listening to music and watching cable TV.