B) 7.R5 Read again. Who: The Foot Guards (A), The National Guard of Kazakhstan (B) or Gondoliers (C)...
1 protect the Head of State?
2 are popular among tourists?
3 wear a different uniform during special events?
4 wear different clothes in winter?
5 need to be above a certain height?
6 work on the water?
2.With its importance.After all, I mean all written and narrated.In Drevnosti book is a rarity
3.Goodness,peacefulness and a lot of good
4.All children's tales (ну я так думаю)
5.Very difficult. After all, only a book can teach people to appreciate nature
6.I read about dogs.The main characters of course dogs.They're so committed to those who have no words.This was what attracted me to these books.
7.I would call a good book is one in which everything is described in detail told.People choose these books for edition probably because they know what books gives this publishing house
8.In the modern library, I think,should be a book about the future