(5) 1. I got up early this morning, I washed, dressed myself and then I had breakfast 2. The postman came while I was having lunch 3. The boys broke a window while they were playing football 4.I was late but my friends were waiting for my when I arrived 5. What did you do on Saturday evening? I went to the cinema 6. What were you doing at 9. 30 on Saturday evening? I was watching a film in the cinema
(6) 1.I played tennis 2. What time did you go to bed last night 3. Have you ever been to the USA 4. My hair is clean. I have washed it 5. When I was a child, I didn't like sport 6. Kathy loves travelling. She has visited many countries 7. Last year we went to Finland for a holiday. We were to this country twice
- Доброе утро. Что я могу сделать для вас? - Я хочу полететь в Лондон. Есть ли свободные места на среду, на следующей неделе? - Вы летите один, сэр? - Да. - Каким классом? - Эконом. - Один момент, сэр...я проверю...да, есть пара свободных мест. - Хорошо. - Как ваше имя, сэр? - Виктор Иванов. - Как правило, мы продаем билеты туда и обратно. Вы можете купить открытую декларацию. - Хорошо, сколько это будет стоить? - 700 долларов, включая аэропортовые сборы. - Могу я заплатить наличными? - Конечно, сэр. Ваш рейс PS501. - Во сколько отправляется рейс? - В 8 утра, но вам лучше проверить за час до вылета, сэр. - А в какое время прибывает в Лондон? - В 10:30 по местному времени. Разница всего лишь в два часа, вы знаете. - Большое
2. myself
3. themselves
4. herself
5. yourself
(4) 1.don't
1. I got up early this morning, I washed, dressed myself and then I had breakfast
2. The postman came while I was having lunch
3. The boys broke a window while they were playing football
4.I was late but my friends were waiting for my when I arrived
5. What did you do on Saturday evening? I went to the cinema
6. What were you doing at 9. 30 on Saturday evening? I was watching a film in the cinema
1.I played tennis
2. What time did you go to bed last night
3. Have you ever been to the USA
4. My hair is clean. I have washed it
5. When I was a child, I didn't like sport
6. Kathy loves travelling. She has visited many countries
7. Last year we went to Finland for a holiday. We were to this country twice