Я гадаю, що любов - цепочуття глибокої сердечної прихильності до особи прив'язаності або сильного інтересу до когось чи чогось. Любов'ю називають внутрішній, духовний потяг до чого-небудь; глибоку повагу, шанобливе ставлення чи приязнь до людини; стосунки між чоловіком і жінкою, викликані прихильністю, або інтимні стосунки між ними Любов, буває у кожного. Любов поділяється на типи :Ерос, Філіята, Агапе. Ерос- це симпатія, потяг, шаленство (наголос «я»), чуттєве кохання, спрямоване на те, аби пережити задоволення, насолоду. Філія-це дружба, почуття солідарності; має альтруїстичний характер. Агапе-це має щось вийняткове у порівнянні з еросом і філією: це її походження, її надприродна і божественна суть.
I think that love is a feeling of deep heart attachment to a person of attachment or a strong interest in someone or something. Love is called an inner, spiritual attraction to something; deep respect, respectful attitude or kindness; relationships between a man and a woman, caused by affection, or an intimate relationship between them Love, everyone has. Love is divided into types: Eros, Branch, Agape. Eros is sympathy, desire, frenzy (emphasis on "I"), sensual love, aimed at enjoying pleasure and enjoyment. Affiliate is a friendship, a sense of solidarity; is altruistic. Agape is something extraordinary compared to eros and branch: it is its origin, its supernatural and divine essence
1. If Mrs. Copperfield had no intention of getting married, she would not have sent David to Mr. Pegotti.
2. Looking at little Emily, David often thought that if not for Mr. Pegotti, she would have been an unhappy homeless child.
3. David told Pegotti: “I think your brother is a very kind person; he wouldn’t adopt little Emily if he weren’t so kind. ”
4. Little Emily often told David that if it had happened that she had ever become a rich lady, she would have presented Mr. Pegotti with a gold watch, a silver pipe and a whole box of money.
5. David did not know that his mother had married Mr. Murdstone. If he knew about this, he would not return home in such a good mood.
6. If Mr. Murdstone had told David at least one kind word, the boy might have become attached to him.
7. Seeing David’s tears in his face, Mr. Murdstone ordered him to wash immediately. The boy immediately realized that if it happened that he disobeyed his stepfather, he would have severely beat him.
8. “How happy we would be if mother hadn’t married Mr. Murdstone,” David often thought.
9. David was a capable boy and could study well if Murdstone were not present at the lessons.
10. David became a gloomy and dull child. He might have completely gotten stupefied if not for the books he read for hours.
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