Переведите на . 1) в каком году лихачев окончил ленинградский университет ? 2)за что его арестовали? 3) в каком году он был принят в советскую академию наук? 4) какой орден он получил? 5) сколько он пробыл в лагере специального назначения?
1) When did Likhachev graduate from Leningrad University ? 2) What was he arrested for? 3) When did he join the Soviet Academy of Sciences? 4) What order was he awarded with? 5) How long has he stayed in the camp of special purpose?
1) Where are the apples? I remember buying them.2) Remember to buy some milk on your way home. (buy)3) Oh, no! I forgot to lock the door. What should I do now? (lock)4) I can’t say whether I locked the door or not. I forgot locking it. (lock)5) (After the exam) I regret to say that you have failed the exam.(say)6) I regret t buying this computer. It doesn't satisfy my demand. (buy\)7) Don’t worry. I will remember to visit her. (visit)8) I can still remember visiting them last year. (visit)9) Well, now she is lost. How could you forget to meet her? (meet)10) It was a hard time. I will never forget waiting for bombs to fall. (wait)
2) What was he arrested for?
3) When did he join the Soviet Academy of Sciences?
4) What order was he awarded with?
5) How long has he stayed in the camp of special purpose?