1. He translated four articles yesterday.
General: Did he translate four articles yesterday?
Special: When did he translate four articles?
Alternative: Did he translate four or three articles yesterday?
Disjunctive: He translated four articles yesterday, didn't he?
Wh-question: Who translated four articles yesterday?
2. Yesterday I arrived at the railway station at 11 o'clock sharp.
General: Did I arrive at the railway station at 11 o'clock sharp yesterday?
Special: Where did I arrive at 11 o'clock sharp yesterday?
Alternative: Did I arrive at the railway station at about 11 o'clock or at 11 o'clock sharp yesterday?
Disjunctive: Yesterday I arrived at the railway station at 11 o'clock sharp, didn't I?
Wh-question: Who arrived at the railway station at 11 o'clock sharp yesterday?
3. We visited a large supermarket in the town centre on Saturday.
General: Did we visit a large supermarket in the town centre on Saturday?
Special: What did we visit in the town centre on Saturday?
Alternative: Did we visit a large market or a large supermarket in the town centre on Saturday?
Disjunctive: We visited a large supermarket in the town centre on Saturday, didn't we?
Wh-question: Who visited a large supermarket in the town centre on Saturday?
4. Northern Ireland borders on the Irish Republic in the south.
General: Does Nothern Ireland border on the Irish Republic in the south?
Special: Where does Nothern Ireland border on the Irish Republic?
Alternative: Does Northern Ireland border on the Irish republic in the south or in the east?
Disjunctive: Nothern Ireland borders on the Irish Republic in the south, doesn't it?
Wh-question: What country borders on the Irish Republic in the south?
ответ: c), если бы он был тут, он бы смог нам , в таких предложениях употребляется только could
i had read the book before i saw a film (a)
прочтение книги предшествует просмотру фильма, значит употребляем past perfect для книги и past simple для фильма
fall for (d) - влюбиться, остальные не подходят по смыслу (made up with - помириться, fall out with - поссориться)
a) действие (i was cooking) происходит в момент сопутствующего ему действия (my husband arrived)
d) сравнительный оборот, следовательно используем than и добавляем к прилагательному -er, так как слово hard односложное (для difficult было бы more difficult)