Read the text and complete the table below with necessary information. Прочтите текст и заполните приведенную ниже таблицу необходимой информацией.
Healthy habits
Some foods have a lot of proteins, vitamins and fiber. These foods are healthy and you should eat a lot of them. Other foods have a lot of sugar and fat. You shouldn’t eat too much of them. Eat more fruit and vegetables. They have a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fruit have all the sugar your body needs.
Too much salt is a bad for your health as too much sugar. Don’t add salt when you are cooking or eating. Add lemon juice or spices instead. Eat fewer chips and salted nuts. We don’t need a lot of fat, choose low –fat products if possible. Grilled food is much healthier than fried ones. There’s less fat in it. Another piece of advice is to eat regularly and drink 5 or 6 glasses of water every day. Enjoy your meals!
№ Good habits № Bad habits
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Modern education system - a legacy of the industrial revolution of the XIX century. Initially, the school formed so that children are aware of the world that surrounds them. However, it was already 150 years, society has changed, the world has become much more difficult, as school let out and people are able to perform only primitive work and solve basic problems.
Ten years of its existence, the child spends at school, and she can not enrich his mind and soul, unable to come to the aid in the determination of a vocation. The school today are not taught to know themselves and to form relationships with other people. Today's children are in the majority are not able to reflect and expose the analysis of different situations, with the result that can not succeed and consequently become happy.
The only thing that is able to school today - the desire to kill and the ability to learn something new in its own way to train and to remember a bunch of absolutely necessary knowledge.
In addition, in the modern school is suppressed personality do not develop students' ability to think, to dream and to create. Children do not know how to find their own solution to the problem, think outside the box, self-development, to analyze. Hence the decline, and sometimes complete loss of curiosity.