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) In each of the following, select ONE correct answer.

1. Does anybody know on the ground?

A) how long this plane will be

B) how long will be this plane

C) how long will this plane be

D) that how long this plane will be

2. "This restaurant is very expensive!"

"It is, but order want. This is a very special occasion."

A) what is it you B) what do you C) whatever you D) whatever yo did

3. "What did your grammar teacher want to talk to you about?"

"I did badly on the last test. She study for it."

A) said why didn't I

B) asked why didn't I

C) said why I didn't

D) asked why I didn't

4. "Why are you staring out of the window? What about?"

A) you are thinking B) you think C) are you thinking D) do you think

5. "I can't decide what colour I want for my bedroom. What do you think?"

"You should choose colour you want. You're the one who will have to live with it."

A) whichever that B) whatever C) however D) that what

6. "Did you remember to tell Mark he should bring to the meeting tomorrow.

A) that B) what C) if D) that what

7. "My aunt has been feeling bad since Uncle George died. Is it because she's depressed?

"I think so. can cause debilitating physical symptoms is a medical fact."

A) Depression

B) That depression it

C) That depression

D) It is that depression
8. There was an earthquake on the coast yesterday. Fortunately, there was no loss of life.

However, because of the danger of collapsing sea walls, it was essential that the area

evacuated quickly.

A) to be B) will be C) be D) is

9. "This cake is terrible. What happened?"

"It's my grandmother's recipe, but she forgot to tell me how long it."

A) did I bake B) should I bake C) do I bake D) to bake

10. "Let's go to Riverton this weekend."

"Sounds like fun. from here?"

A) How far is it B) How far it is C) It how far is D) How far is

11. Edward's interview was very intense. The interviewer wanted to know many facts about his

personal life, and even asked him had ever used any illegal drugs of any kind.

A) that if he B) that he C) if or not he D) wheter or not he

12. It's hoped that all present-day communicable diseases will be conquered. However,

about certain diseases is still not sufficient to prevent them from spreading easily among the


A) what we know B) what do we know C) what we know that D) that we know that

13. "Why didn't Henry attend the meeting this morning?"

"He's been sick. His doctor insisted that he in bed this week."

A) will stay B) stayed C) stays D) stay

14. Nobody yet knew what to cause the dam to burst, but the residents of the area

organized quickly to save life and property against the rising floods.

A) was she B) am I C) happened D) did it happen

15. Tom walked into the huge hall to register for classes. At first, he simply looked around and

wondered what supposed to do.

A) was she B) am I C) he was D) I am​

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Today we try to judge on the subject "Slavery". I'm certainly against slavery, but opinions are different, but most fold to the answer "Against".
Slavery, this is a very bad thing. If you become a slave, then it will be difficult for you to get out of them. Of course, this is for life. All my life I work just like that, if only you were given a piece of food and water was given. Not what entertainment, not what kind of children, not what romance, personal life. It seems that the meaning of life is lost. You work hard, work hard, work hard, but you will not be thankful enough for yourself.
The worst thing about slavery is that innocent children are automatically slaves, and they do not have the right to choose. And most importantly, with slaves not when they were not treated like people, they were beaten, beaten, killed, sold.
Slavery, a very bad thing. I'm against slavery.
4,6(52 оценок)

Slavery is, in the strictest sense of the term, any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. A slave is unable to withdraw unilaterally from such an arrangement and works without remuneration. Many scholars now use the term chattel slavery to refer to this specific sense of legalised, de jure slavery. In a broader sense, however, the word slavery may also refer to any situation in which an individual is de facto forced to work against his or her will. Scholars also use the more generic terms such as unfree labour or forced labour, to refer to such situations.However – and especially under slavery in broader senses of the word – slaves may have some rights and/or protections, according to laws and/or customs.

Slavery began to exist before written history, in many cultures. A person could become a slave from the time of their birth, capture, or purchase.

While slavery was institutionally recognized by most societies, it has now been outlawed in all recognized countries, the last being Mauritania in 2007. Nevertheless, there are still more slaves today than at any previous point in history:an estimated 45 million people remain enslaved worldwide.The most common form of the slave trade is now commonly referred to as human trafficking. Chattel slavery is also still practiced by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. In other areas, slavery (or unfree labour) continues through practices such as debt bondage, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.

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