Do many children in England and Wales attend pre-school institutions? Why? 2. Have all maintained schools equal opportunities to provide the same level of education? Prove your point of
view. 3. How can you prove that in spite of all changes and alterations m ade during the recent years the system of education in
England and W ales is still class-divided and selective? 4. W hat
are the British governm ent's education policies? W hat do you
think of the main aim of the publicly m aintained system of education which is officially stated as follows: " give all children an
education suited to their particular abilities." Do you think English educationists have objective criteria to m easure these abilities? 5. W hat's your opinion of the fact that adm inistration of publicly provided schools is not centralized? W hat do you think of
schools' freedom to choose textbooks, include various subjects
into the curriculum, specify the material for learning, appoint and
dismiss teachers? 6. W hat subjects are usually included in a prim ary school curriculum ? W hat is the aim of prim ary education?
W hat m ethods are used in prim ary schools? 7. W hat types of secondary schools are there in Britain? 8. W hy do you think most
children in gram m ar schools are from rich families? 9. How can
you account for the fact that the percentage of those attending
com prehensive schools is becom ing a bit lower nowadays?
10. How can you account for the fact that independent schools
(especially public schools) which are not very num erous are the
m ost significant? 11. W hat is your opinion of the specialist
preparation in the sixth form?
нужны ответы на эти вопросы
на прошлых летних каникулах я был в киеве. ездил я с мамой и братом. это было потрясающе. я посетил главную достопримечательность города - владимирский собор. на главных входных дверях изображены князь владимир и княгиня ольга. позже, мама настояла на том, чтобы мы сходили в софийский собор, построенный по воле ярослава мудрого в xi столетии. я сделал много красивых фотографий в этом месте. я был бы рад вернуться туда снова!
last summer holidays i was in kiev. i went with my mother and brother. it was amazing. i visited the main attraction of the city - st. vladimir's cathedral. the main entrance doors depict prince vladimir and princess olga. later, my mother insisted that we go to st. sophia cathedral, built by the will of yaroslav the wise in the xi century. i took a lot of beautiful photos in this place. i would love to go back there again!