A. На кухне можно:
1. Готовить еду
2. Есть еду
3. Мыть посуду
4. Наводить порядок
B. На кухне нельзя
1. Играть с острыми предметами (например, ножами)
2. Бегать
3. Трогать горячую плиту или посуду
4. Класть в микроволновку металлические предметы типа ложки
A. In the kitchen you can...
1. Cook food
2. Eat food
3. Wash the dishes
4. Tidy up
B. In the kitchen you mustn't...
1. Play with sharp objects (for example, knives)
2. Run
3. Touch the hot stove or hot pans and pots
4. Put metal objects such as a spoon in the microwave oven
That businessmen is going to visit the United States of America.
The Browns have had this computer since three weeks ago.
Am going to I of clean up my room, I of Promise.
I of wrote a letter-to by Alice and by Susan's grandfather.
It is often the rainy in the London.
She had a lot of tests, but she had little dictations.
Your cat never sleeps in this box, doesn't it?
Helen was wearing a long black dress. She looked wonderful.
I think they will at the stadium at two o'clock tomorrow.