When you start reading any modern newspaper, you learn about many significant events happening throughout the whole world. You can read about political, economical and cultural life of the humanity. You can also read about sport, about lifestyle and about fashion. Some people prefer high-tech news. And some choose the travel column to plan their holidays. There is also an opinion column where people can speak out. Every event having impact on humanity is echoed in newspapers. Many war conflicts, disasters and crashes happen nowadays. That's why the reader is overwhelmed by the shocking news from all over the world. The world is like the ocean, and the paper is like a seashell.
As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to be listening to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. She turned on the TV.
At that moment, the phone rang. She walked over and picked up the phone.
I saw her face wrinkle. She wept bitterly.
Как только это случилось, я поспешил домой, чтобы сообщить жене печальное известие. Но она, похоже, совсем меня не слушала. Она вообще меня не замечала. Она посмотрела прямо сквозь меня и налила себе выпить. Включила телевизор.
В этот момент раздался телефонный звонок. Она подошла и взяла трубку.
Я увидел, как сморщилось её лицо. Она горько заплакала.