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Millions of people are fond of watching. There are many different TV programmes, shows, soups, interesting films, advertisements, news, plays to watch. My parents spend a lot of time watching everything. Of course, sometimes they show something interesting but not very often. If somewhere something important or dangerous takes place journalists will report these events on TV, but their endless soups are awful. Other people say that television is becoming a national disease. I agree with them. Lots of my friends are fond of watching but I have to confess, I hate TV programmes. I think it's waste of time. And I think that they damage their eyes, become lazy, put on their weight and have no time to do sports or to read books. I prefer doing sports, playing games in the open air and taking part in different sport competitions.
Миллионы людей любят смотреть телевизор. Есть много различных телевизионных программ, шоу, сериалов, интересных фильмов, рекламных роликов, новостей, пьес, которые можно посмотреть по телевизору. Мои родители проводят много времени, смотря все подряд. Конечно, иногда по телевизору показывают что-то интересное, но не очень часто. Если где-то что-то важное или опасное происходит, журналисты сообщат об этих событиях по телевидению, но их бесконечные сериалы - это ужасно. Другие люди говорят, что телевидение становится национальной болезнью. Я с ними согласен. Многие мои друзья любят смотреть телевизор, но я должен признаться, я ненавижу телевизионные программы. Я думаю, что это пустая трата времени. И я думаю, что они портят зрение, становятся ленивыми, увеличивают свой вес и не имеют времени, чтобы заниматься спортом или читать книги. Я предпочитаю заниматься спортом, играть в игры на открытом воздухе и принимать участие в различных спортивных соревнованиях.
Nabokov's house - the house in St. Petersburg , on the current at Bolshaya Morskaya street, 47. It was in this house , Vladimir Nabokov was born in 1899. Currently, the first floor of the house - museum of Vladimir Nabokova.Soderzhanie [ remove]History of the HouseBetween 1897 and the October Revolution house became the property of Nabokov , which they received as a dowry from Rukavishnikova Helena ( mother of Vladimir Nabokov ) . Vladimir Vladimirovich lived in the house until November 1917 .House thoroughly described in his autobiography Other Shores (The Other Shores) and Speak, Memory (Speak, Memory). For Vladimir this house was " the only house in the world ."Subsequently , even when he became rich, he never acquired any other home and preferred to live in hotels.Museum of Vladimir NabokovSince April 1998, the first floor of the house ( called "family floor " at the time of Nabokov ) is the "Museum of Vladimir Nabokov ," and the two upper floors (" parent floor " and " children's floor " ) occupy the offices of the newspaper " Neva time ." The museum is a "phone room ", " dining ", " library ", " the committee room " (where most of the meetings were held of the Constitutional Democratic Party ) and the "kitchen" . Inside the House of NabokovInside the little that remains from the time of the Nabokov family living in this house. Time and history nothing is spared , except for the interiors of several rooms on the first and second floors of the building and the old stained glass windows above the stairway leading to the third floor .Nabokov's memorabilia , including personal belongings of Vladimir Nabokov (index cards , pencils , glasses , playing Scrabble), as well as books and other items related to his life and art, are the basis of the museum's collection . The museum is dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Nabokov's development and its artistic heritage and cultural values, both in Russia and internationally. Museum - not only the house and exhibits related to the life and environment of Nabokov , but the museum also provides a research library for scholars and conducts numerous activities : reading the works of Nabokov and those whom he admired (such as Anton Chekhov and James Joyce ) lectures by international or national conferences (" Nabokov and Russia ", " Nabokov and England ", " Nabokov and France ", " Nabokov and Germany ", " Nabokov and the United States of America "), an annual international summer school Nabokov exhibition of objects related to Nabokov . The activities of the Museum of Nabokov has regular support of leading scientists from around the world .The museum is part of the Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University
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