1. Alice does not to take the bus to school every day. She usually walks to school.
2. Do you take the bus to get to school or do you walk?
3. Who is this man? I think that I know him, but I forget his name.
4. The children had a good time in the park yesterday. They gave small pieces of bread to the ducks. Then they took pictures of themselves.
5. Where are the children? They are watching TV in the room now.
Some minutes ago they were playing a game.
6. Now I am in my class. I'm sitting at my desk. I always sit at the same desk.
Долгое время форму для мальчиков в Великобритании составляли: пиджак-блейзер, серая фланелевая рубашка (которая сменялась на белую летом или по праздникам), темно-серые брюки или шорты, серые гольфы, темно-синий плащ, черные ботинки, а в холода – пуловер с треугольным вырезом. Также к костюму добавлялись кепка с логотипом школы и фирменный галстук.
перевод:For a long time, the form for the boys in the UK were: a jacket, blazer, gray flannel shirt (which was replaced by a white summer or on holidays), dark gray pants or shorts, gray socks, dark blue coat, black boots, and cold - Pullover with a V-neck. Also added to the suit cap with the logo of the school and corporate tie.
Великобритания – это место рождения школьной формы, и в течение многих лет и столетий школьники носили самые различные униформы.
перевод:UK - the birthplace of school uniforms, and for many years and centuries students wore a variety of uniforms.