Big Ben kolokol v bashne s chasami v Vestminsterskom dvortse v Londone . Yest' dve versii proiskhozhdeniya nazvaniya bashni . Pervaya versiya govorit , chto Big Ben byl nazvan v chest' sera Bendzhamina Kholla , kotoryy rukovodil otlivku kolokola . Drugoy govorit , chto heariest kolokol v dannyy moment ( 13,7 ) tonn na poluchil svoye nazvaniye v chest' Bendzhamina County, ochen' izvestnyy bokser v tyazhelom vese v to vremya. Stroitel'stvo. Bashnya byla postroyena na konstruktsii angliyskogo arkhitektora P'yudzhin v 1858. Vpervyye chasy byli rany 21 maya 1859. Ofitsial'no bashnya byla nazvana kak « Chasovaya bashnya Vestminsterskogo dvortsa » . Upravleniye chasami. Kogda chasy na bashne speshke ili lag ( oshibka nevelika - vsego 1,5-2 sekundy) staryy angliyskiy penni pomeshchayetsya na mayatnik . Vvod ili monety smotritel' udayetsya poluchit' tochnost' mashin . Seychas Big Ben yavlyayetsya odnim iz samykh izvestnykh sooruzheniy Velikobritanii .
1. when i arrived at work i realized that i had (forgotten забыл) my watch at home 1. now i am ready to (give in сдать) my paper work to the teacher 3. yout words (makes делает) the whole thing even more strange 4. ( Both she and И она и) Steve were happy to go sightseeing 5. I am sorry i didn't study (harder усерднее) 6. alice was born in chicago so she (is used привыкла) to living in a big city 7. i am (astonished удивлен) at your behavior 8. (Besides Помимо) two sons they have got a daughter 9. how many books did you read during your holidays? (None Ни сколько) 10. it (makes не делает) no difference at all 11. they (are used имеют обыкновение) to playing tennis every sunday 12. it is difficult to (tell отличить) them one from the other