лисица;___ б) лягушка; в) волк; г) сова.
1. Назовите 3-4 животных, принадлежащих к семейству кошачьих. К какому отряду они относятся? Перечислите признаки этого отряда.
2. Раскройте роль хищных млекопитающих в природе. Приведите примеры, иллюстрирующие роль хищных рыб и пресмыкающихся в жизни экосистем.
3. Организмы, которые создают органические вещества из неорганических с использованием энергии света, называют:
а) потребителями; в) разрушителями;
б) производителями; г) паразитами.
1. They were at the party yesterday. They were not at the party yesterday
2. Paula wrote back. Paula didn't write back .
3.We arrived late. We didn't arrive late .
4 He played football. He didn't play football .
5 I forgot her birthday. I didn't forget her birthday .
6. He washed the car. He didn't wash the car.
7. She hurt her leg. She didn't hurt her leg .
8. Sam was tired. Sam was not tired.
9. I found the keys. I didn't find the keys .
10. Martin visited his grandparents. Martin didn't visit his grandparents
11. She tidied her room. She didn't tidy her room .
12. He jumped high. He didn't jump high .
13 Steve left the hotel three days ago. Steve didn't leave the hotel .
14. She was in Italy last summer. She was not in Italy last summer
15. Mr Brown read my essay. Mr Brown didn't read my essay?.