1. People can have problems with the police
а)if they don’t wear clothes
б)if they don’t wear clothes of a certain brand
2. Clothes can be bought in:
б)both supermarkets and streets shops
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3. Do clothes protect people from cold and sun?
4. Where do people get clothes?
5. In which cases can clothes be expensive?
6. Why are clothes considered to be a luxury item?
1. Washington
2. Washington is located in the northeast of the United States, 53 kilometers from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.
3. Washington is not part of any state id.
4. The city is named after George Washington
5. The first president of the United States was George Washington.
7. Washington is not the largest city in the United States.
8. 672 228 people.
9. paper products, telecommunications, information and computer companies
11. There is a Capitol in Washington. It is a tradition that other buildings cannot raise the height of the Capitol (107 meters)
12. The country's official first-person residence is located in the capital of America, Washington, at Pennsylvania Avenue 1600.
13. The White House was built on November 1, 1800.
14. Momoreal is dedicated to the third president of the USA (Thomas Jefferson)
15. The main author of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson.
16. The thirteenth revision of the American Constitution gave freedom to black slaves in America.
17. War veterans, presidents, presidents of the Supreme Court and astronauts are buried in the cemetery
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