Quick check 4 Choose the correct answer.
1 Do we use the imperative to tell people to do things? yes / no
2 Do we usually use the full infinitive after enjoy, finish, and miss? yes / no
3 Which is correct? She began to tell her. / She began telling her. / both
4 Do we use the past simple for situations in progress? yes / no
5 Do we use the past continuous for situations in progress at a particular time in the past? yes / no
6 Which is correct? He was working at 1pm./He worked at 1pm. / both
The concept of "entertainment" includes not only a pleasant pastime, but also a passion for art - cinema, music, dancing, reading, and sports.
Development of the horizon is impossible without reading, hobbies, music, theater, opera, ballet.
Visiting cultural events such as exhibitions, presentations and premieres is an integral part of the life of an intelligent person.
As for me, then, despite the fact that most of my time is busy studying, I spend time and my hobby.
This is the study of foreign languages, swimming and music.