Написать 8-12 предложений на тему: что я обычно делаю на выходных? использовать настоящее и будущее время, в скобках написать время(present simple, future simple, present perfect и т.д.)
Present Simple I usually go to the park.I take my family with me there.If it rains we go to the museum.I like to spend my free time with interest. Future Simple I will go to the park on Sunday. Present Perfect I have already gone to the park. She has visited that museum.
2 if they found you, they will catch you. 3 if they catch me,i shall confess 4 if you confess they will put you into prison 5 if you are lucky, they won't catch you 6 if you go to Rome, you will see Coliseum 7 if you visit London, probably you will see queen 8 if you stay. .. 9 when he propose... 10 but she won't happy when she marry. . 11 i shall visit you as soon as i feel better 12 we shall stay here as long as our money lasts 13 they won't sand us a telegram unless there is.. 14 you will phone me before you to go away 15 i will come to London after they found ... 16 we will work till it gets absolutely dark 17 students won't get financial rewards unless they get high grades 18 what will you do when summer come? 19 if he doesn't come we will have a problem
Weeping willow. It grows along the banks of reservoirs. drip "tears" With its leaves. What makes the willows weep? Since willow grows mainly in ponds, the roots of it submerged in water that gets in excess of willow. And the air near a lake or river - wet. Natural evaporation is extremely small, the water in the leaves is delayed, and the water from the roots with beneficial minerals does not reach. At a time when the root absorbs more water than evaporates krona, willow drains excess water through the leaves, that is "crying"
I usually go to the park.I take my family with me there.If it rains we go to the museum.I like to spend my free time with interest.
Future Simple
I will go to the park on Sunday.
Present Perfect
I have already gone to the park.
She has visited that museum.