Will we study criminal law on the next year? We will not study criminal law on the next year. Did this judge work at the city court one year ago? This judge didn't work at the city court one year ago?
1. with staring eyes/ bug-eyed/with bulging eyes 2. a wonderful / an amazing storyteller 3. charm 4. a funny adventure 5. a cosy/comfortable house 6. the contents of the book 7. a short speech 8. an impressive/spectacular landscape (scenery) 9. to have the job done / to cope with one's work 10. the latest edition / the most recent edition 11. an observant boy 12. an active /movable /agile teenager 13. kneeling; on one's knees; in/on one's lap 14. let me know 15. instead of the teacher 16. to impress friends / to make an impression on one's friends 17. to swallow books 18. a delightful librarian 19. to be absorbed by the novel 20. a dangerous adventure 21. serious contents 22. a tiny chatterbox/ a small or tiny talker 23. since then/since that time/from that time on 24. not to be ridiculous /(don't make me laugh - не смешите меня) 25. to break the spell 26. a rare edition of the book
Музыкальный гений Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт родился Леопольд Моцарт и его жена Анна Мария Pertl в Зальцбурге, Австрии 27 января 1756. Леопольд Моцарт был успешным композитором и скрипачом и работал концертмейстера при зальцбургском дворе. Моцарт и его старшая сестра Мария Анна "Наннерль" были пары только выживших детей и их музыкальное образование начал в очень юном возрасте. Архиепископа зальцбургского суда, Сигизмунд фон Schrattenbach очень поддерживал Моцарта для детей замечательного мероприятия.Musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born to Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna Maria Pertl in Salzburg, Austria on January 27, 1756. Leopold Mozart was a successful composer and violinist and served as assistant concertmaster at the Salzburg court. Mozart and his older sister Maria Anna "Nannerl" were the couple's only surviving children, and their musical education began at a very young age. The archbishop of the Salzburg court, Sigismund von Schrattenbach was very supportive of the Mozart children's remarkable activities. ПЕРЕВОД:
we won't study crimial law next year