Без категории

34 ) do they have breakfast in the morning? a) When
b) Why a) Where
35) 22:55
a)It'95 to 11 b) It's 55 past 10 c) It's half past 22
36)что он любит 2 ?
a) What do he like? b) When does be like?
c) What does he like?
37) she sing a song ? - No, she doesn't
a) Do b) Does c) Is
38) Wo clean teeth,-. we brush hair.
a) after b) but c) then
39) They are home
a) in b) at
c) on
40) Dinara ... help her mother in the evenmg
a) isn't b) don't c) doesn't
41) Where do they work?
a) in the moming b)behind the house s)drink tea
42) It's half past five.
a) 17:20 b)17:15 c)17:30
43) This boy his mother.
a)is belp b)don t helps
b)don't helps c)helps
44) Where does Marina play?
b)in the morning
c) because
45) My father comes hore ... 18.00.
a)- b) at
c) un
46) Why - her friends study English ?
b) are
47) Fish live -... a) on the water b) under the
water c) in front of the water
- do they go to the cinema?
a) What b) Where
c) When
a) do
Lesson 6
My mother
TV in the bedroom
x) watch b) watches c) is watch
2) Dauren in a hospital, he is a builder
a) doesn't work b) doesn't works c) work
3) What her sister read in the garden ?
a) does b) is
c) do
4)Где они
живут ? ?
a) Where do they live? b)Where does they live? Do
they live in Astana?
5)It's ten past four
a) 16.15 b) 16:10 c) 10:04
6) Do you like tea aulk?
a) and
b) because chor
7) 22.08
a)the 22 nd August b)the 22 th of August c)the 22 nd of
8) What .-.. Masha do after school?
a) do b) doesnt
c) does
9) 12:45
a) It's forty five past twelve b)It's a quarter past twelve
c) It's a quarter to one
10) What time does
does do homework?
a) they b) Marat c) Marat and Bolat
11)He gets up at 7.00, he goes to school in the morning
a) after school b) but c) because
12)We don't go to school
a) on b) m c) at
13) They don't meet their Griends night
a) in b) at
c) on
14) Children have a shower ... a) in the kitchen b)in the
garder c) in the bathroom
15) We eat fast food lunchtime
a) in
b)on c)at
you smoke ?
a)are b)do c)does
17) She from China
a)does b) is
c) are
18)It's half past two
a)14:30 b)14:10 c)14.00
19)We play outside co summer.
a)on bat
20) They milk in the morning.
a)drinks b) doesn't drink c)drink
21) We don't go to school Sundays.
a)in bon cat
22) your friends work in a hospital?
a)do b) does care
23)She - mother at home.
a)help b)helps c)don't help
24) --- of September
a)the 1th b)the 2nd c)the 22th
25) Children outside
c) does
a) go
50) We don't go to school June
a) at b) in c) on
S1) Bolat - in the garden.
a) is play b)plays c)play
52)Her teachers from China.
a) are
b) is c)isn't
53) 11:10
a) It's 11 past 10 b)it's 10 to 11 c)It's 10 past 11
54) Does Masha to the
b) goes c)ls go
55) I help my mother ... home
a)at b)in con
56) She goes shopping... Sunday
a) on bat
57) They cesto live in a big flat.
a) don't b)isn't c)doesn't
58) We ... speak Russian
a)can't b)aren't c)doesn't
59) My sister home at 20.00
b)is c)goes
60) My mother work at school.
a) gos​


34 ) do they have breakfast in the morning?

a) When  b) Why a) Where

35) 22:55

a)It'95 to 11 b) It's 55 past 10 c) It's half past 22

36)что он любит 2 ?

a) What do he like? b) When does be like?

c) What does he like?

37) she sing a song ? - No, she doesn't

a) Do b) Does c) Is

38) Wo clean teeth,-. we brush hair.

a) after b) but c) then

39) They are home

a) in b) at  c) on

40) Dinara ... help her mother in the evenmg

a) isn't b) don't c) doesn't

41) Where do they work?

a) in the morning b)behind the house s)drink tea

42) It's half past five.

a) 17:20 b)17:15 c)17:30

43) This boy his mother.

a)is help b)don t helps

b)don't helps c)helps

44) Where does Marina play?


b)in the morning

c) because

45) My father comes home ... 18.00.

a)- b) at  c) un

46) Why do her friends study English?

b) are

47) Fish live -... a) on the water b) under the  water

c) in front of the water  - do they go to the cinema?

a) What b) Where

c) When

a) do

Lesson 6

My mother  TV in the bedroom

x) watch b) watches c) is watch

2) Dauren in a hospital, he is a builder

a) doesn't work b) doesn't works c) work

3) What her sister read in the garden?

a) does b) is  c) do

4)Где они  живут ? ?

a) Where do they live? b)Where does they live? Do  they live in Astana?

5)It's ten past four

a) 16.15 b) 16:10 c) 10:04

6) Do you like tea aulk?

a) and

b) because chor

7) 22.08

a)the 22 nd August b)the 22 th of August c)the 22 nd of  August

8) What .-.. Masha do after school?

a) do b) doesnt

c) does

9) 12:45

a) It's forty five past twelve b)It's a quarter past twelve

c) It's a quarter to one

10) What time does  does do homework?

a) they b) Marat c) Marat and Bolat

11)He gets up at 7.00, he goes to school in the morning

a) after school b) but c) because

12)We don't go to school  Sunday

a) on b) in c) at

13) They don't meet their Griends night

a) in b) at

c) on

14) Children have a shower ... a) in the kitchen b)in the  garder

c) in the bathroom

15) We eat fast food lunchtime

a) in

b)on c)at

16)  you smoke ?

a)are b)do c)does

17) She from China

a)does b) is  c) are

18)It's half past two

a)14:30 b)14:10 c)14.00

19)We play outside co summer.

a)on bat    clin

20) They milk in the morning.

a)drinks b) doesn't drink c)drink

21) We don't go to school Sundays.

a)in bon cat    

22) your friends work in a hospital?

a)do b) does care

23)She - mother at home.

a)help b)helps c)don't help

24) --- of September

a)the 1th b)the 2nd c)the 22th

25) Children  don’t outside

c) does

48)... Do you go ...        gym?

a) go

50) We don't go to school June

a) at b) in c) on

S1) Bolat - in the garden.

a) is play b)plays c)play

52)Her teachers from China.

a) are  b) is c)isn't

53) 11:10

a) It's 11 past 10 b)it's 10 to 11 c)It's 10 past 11

54) Does Masha to the

b) goes c)ls go

55) I help my mother ... home

a)at b)in con

56) She goes shopping... Sunday

a) on bat

57) They cesto live in a big flat.

a) don't b)isn't c)doesn't

58) We ... speak Russian

a)can't b)aren't c)doesn't

59) My sister home at 20.00

b)is c)goes

60) My mother work at school.

a) goes​


Кое - что напечатано совсем непонятно ✄

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Ukraine is a sovereign state; its independence was proclaimed in 1991. Ukraine is situated in the east of Europe. The territory of Ukraine is 603 700 square kilometres. Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. It’s washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and has very important ports. Ukraine is larger than France and Great Britain but considerably smaller than Russia. 5% of Ukraine’s territory is mountainous; the rest part of the Ukrainian area is flat. Ukraine has the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains. The Carpathians is the natural mountainous boundary of Ukraine. They are covered with mixed forests of pine, fir, beech and oak trees. There are the thickest forests in Volyn, which are part of the famous Byelovezhskaya Puscha.

The Dnieper is the main river of the country; moreover, it’s the third longest river in Europe. Such rivers as the Dniester, the Danube, the Southern Bug and the Seversky Donets are also important.

he population of our country is about 46 million people. Besides Ukrainians the representatives of many other nationalities live there: Russians, Jews, Belarusians, Moldavians, Romanians, Greeks, Tatars, Poles, Armenians, Germans, Gypsies and other ethnic minorities. They contributed to Ukraine’s culture and history.

The biggest cities of Ukraine are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk, Odessa, Mykolaiv and others.

Ukraine is developed industrial and agricultural country. It’s rich in iron ore, coal, natural gas, oil, salt and other mineral resources. Ukraine has such branches of industry as metallurgy, machine-building, power industry, chemical industry and agriculture. Scientists of Ukraine make their contributions of important discoveries and inventions to the world science.

Ukraine has a rich historical and cultural heritage. There are many higher educational establishments, theatres, libraries, museums, art galleries in Ukraine. It’s also famous for many outstanding writers, poets and musicians.

Uraine is a member of the United Nation Organization and takes part in the work of many international organizations.



Украина — это суверенное государство, ее независимость была провозглашена в 1991 году. Украина находится на востоке Европы. Территория Украины — 603 700 квадратных километров. Украина граничит с Россией, Белоруссией, Польшей, Молдовой, Словакией, Венгрией, Румынией. Она омывается Черным и Азовским морями и имеет очень важные порты. Украина больше Франции и Великобритании, но гораздо меньше России. 5% территории Украины — гористая, остальное — равнина. В Украине есть Карпатские и Крымские горы. Карпаты — естественная горная граница Украины. Они покрыты смешанными лесами из сосен, елей, буков и дубов. На Волыни находятся самые густые леса, которые являются частью знаменитой Беловежской пущи.

Днепр — главная река страны; более того, это третья по длине река в Европе. Такие реки, как Днестр и Буг, также имеют большое значение.

Население Украины — примерно 46 миллионов человек. Кроме украинцев, тут проживают представители многих других национальностей: русские, евреи, белорусы, молдаване, румыны, греки, татары, поляки, армяне, немцы, цыгане и другие этнические меньшинства. Они внесли свой вклад в украинскую культуру и историю.

Самые крупные города Украины — Киев, Харьков, Львов, Днепропетровск, Запорожье, Донецк, Одесса, Николаев и другие.

Украина — развитая промышленная и сельскохозяйственная страна. В Украине есть такие природные богатства, как железная руда, уголь, природный газ, нефть, соль и другие минеральные ресурсы. В Украине есть такие отрасли промышленность, как металлургия, машиностроение, энергетика, химическая промышленность и сельское хозяйство. Украинские ученые своими открытиями и изобретениями вносят вклад в мировую науку.

У Украины богатое историческое и культурное наследие. В стране много высших учебных заведений, театров, библиотек, музеев, художественных галерей. В Украине много известных писателей, поэтов и музыкантов.

Украина — член ООН; она принимает участие в работе многих международных организаций.


Україна — це суверенна держава, її незалежність була проголошена в 1991 році. Україна знаходиться на сході Європи. Територія України — 603 700 квадратних кілометрів. Україна межує з Росією, Білорусією, Польщею, Молдовою, Словаччиною, Угорщиною, Румунією. Вона омивається Чорним і Азовським морями і має дуже важливі порти. Україна більше Франції і Великобританії, але значно менше Росії. 5% територій України — гірська, решта — рівнина. В Україні є Карпатські і Кримські гори. Карпати — природний гірський кордон України. Вони вкриті змішаними лісами з сосен, ялин, буків і дубів. На Волині знаходяться найгустіші ліси, які є частиною знаменитої Біловезької пущі.

Дніпро — головна річка країни; більш того, це третя за довжиною річка в Європі. Такі річки, як Дністер і Буг, також мають велике значення.


4,7(93 оценок)

1. While Kate was washing up Ann was making sandwiches. - одновременно два действия - Present Continuous Active - пока Катя мыла посуду, Анна делала бутерброды.

2. While my mother was cooking dinner I was laying the table.- одновременно два действия - Present Continuous Active - D то время как мама готовила обед, я накрывала на стол.

3. I hope you will have come home from school by 2 o’clock. Future Perfect Active  - Я надеюсь, ты придешь домой из школы к 2 часам.

4. I will have finished everything by the time you get back tomorrow. - Future Perfect Active - Ко времени твоего возвращения завтра я уже закончу все дела.

5. We are lying on the beach since early morning. Present Continuous Active - Мы лежим на пляже с раннего утра.

6. Don’t ring her up at 9, she is putting her children to bed. Ring up later. Present Continuous Active - Не звони ей до 9 часов, в это время она укладывает детей спать. Звони позже.

7. My son will be in the fifth form next year. That means that he will learn English.Future Simple Active - Мой сын в следующем году пойдет (будет) в 5 класс. Это значит, что он будет изучать английский язык.

8. On September 26 they will have  being married for twenty-five years. Future Perfect Continuous - К 26 сентября они будут женаты 25 лет.

9. The newspaper has come? Yes, Ann is reading it. Present Perfect Active - Газета пришла? Да, Анна ее читает.

10. Have you been here before? Present Perfect Active– Yes, I spent my holidays here last year. – Past Simple Active - Ты был здесь раньше? Да, я провел здесь мои каникулы летом.

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