Kazakh Traditional Food
In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cookbeshbarmak, pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak. The main national dish of Kazakhs is beshbarmak. Kazakh people prepared Beshbarmak frommutton, a horse - beef. Besbarmak - a dish eaten with five fingers.Bauyrsak - national dish of Kazakhs, prepared from flour.The tastiest horse meat dishes are zhal, zhaya, kazy, and karta,shuzhuk.
They have some traditional milk products. National drinks are kymyz, shubat, airan.
Airan is made of cow's milk.
Shubat - camel's milk. Shubat is often served as a medicine.
Kymyz- is made of horse’s milk. Kymyz - is a very useful for health.
These drinks are very useful for our health.
1.She wrote her first novel, The Icarus Girl,in 2005 2. She went to Cambridge University, where she wrote two plays and students at the university performed them in a theatre. 3.Her latest book is called What is not yours is not yours and it is a collection of short stories. 4.in 2014 she moved to Prague in the Czech Republic and has lived there ever since 5. She has received a number of prizes for her writing an continues to write in her new country.
Перевод 1. Она написала свой первый роман «Девушка Икар» в 2005 году. 2. Она поступила в Кембриджский университет, где написала две пьесы, и студенты университета поставили их в театре. 3. Ее последняя книга называется «То, что не твое, не твое», и представляет собой сборник рассказов. 4. в 2014 году она переехала в Прагу в Чешской Республике и живет там 5. Она получила ряд призов за свои писательские труды и продолжает писать в своей новой стране.
This Sunday me and my family are going to the supermarket. My mom is going to go shopping. My sister is going to play with a toy. And I am going to look for new magazines.
(перевод): Это воскресенье я и моя семья собираются пойти в супермаркет(ТЦ).Моя мама собирается отправиться за покупками.Моя сестра собирается поиграть с игрушкой. И я собираюсь поискать новые журналы.