Going a new school can be hard. You(1) have to/might learn new rules and meet new people. You (2) can/must also meet new teachers and learn about new subjects.But you(3) couldn't/shouldn't be nervous. The experience (4)must/can be very exciting.There are also some things that you(5)should/mustn't do that can make the experience easier.first,you(6)don't have to/mustn't be late for school be late for school.The teachers (7) should/might think you're no a good student if you are late,Second you(8)may/should try to make new friends.You(9)could/might ask to sit with some students at lunch in the canteen.The important thing to remember is you (10) can't/mustn't be shy.Afer some time,things wiil get mush easier
Aa [ ei ] [эй] Nn [ en ] [эн]
Bb [ bi: ] [би] Oo [ ou ] [оу]
Cc [ si: ] [си] Pp [ pi: ] [пи]
Dd [ di: ] [ди] Qq [ kju: ] [кью]
Ee [ i: ] [и] Rr [ a: ] [а:, ар]
Ff [ ef ] [эф] Ss [ es ] [эс]
Gg [ dʒi: ] [джи] Tt [ ti: ] [ти]
Hh [ eitʃ ] [эйч] Uu [ ju: ] [ю]
Ii [ ai ] [ай] Vv [ vi: ] [ви]
Jj [ dʒei ] [джей] Ww [ `dʌbl `ju: ] [дабл-ю]
Kk [ kei ] [кей] Xx [ eks ] [экс]
Ll [ el ] [эл] Yy [ wai ] [уай]
Mm [ em ] [эм] Zz [ zed / ziː] [зед / зи]
Вот гласные отдельно:
A (ā) [eı] [æ]
E (ē) [i:][ɛ]
I (ī) [ɪ][aɪ]
O (ō) [ou][ɔɪ] [ɒ]
U (ū) [ju: ][ʌ][eə] [ʊə] [əʊ] [aʊ]
1First I moved, then I changed school.
2While my brother was listening to music, I was writing an essay.
3He was planting trees in the garden when someone called him.
4. They fought with friends while we were taking exams.
5. Why are you so sad? - I lost something of value yesterday.
6. I didn't see a doctor two weeks ago.
7. While she was playing sports, he was having a party.
8. He was quarreling with his brother when mom came.