Task 3. Answer the email. In your reply you should: • describe your experience;
• give some advice ;
• suggest what Sabina should do.
Hi Max,
Sorry I have not emailed you recently but I noticed on Facebook that you’ll be going to university next year – that’s awesome!
I wanted to ask you about something. As you know I’m going to take a year out, I want to earn some money.
Well, the good news is I have an interview next week – on Monday. The bad news is that I’m terrified. I know you have had a couple of interviews and you always seem to get the job, how do you do it? Can you give me some advice?
All the best,
Sharyn Canyon is not the biggest canyon in the world. (It is a spectacular example of natural beauty.)
Шарынский каньон - не самый большой каньон в мире. (Это великолепный образец естественной красоты.)
It is located 200 kilometres from Almaty.
Он находится в 200 километрах от Алматы.
Rare ash trees grow at the bottom of the valley.
На дне долины растут редкие ясени.
Thousands of years of the strong winds formed many interesting shapes in the rocks.
Тысячи лет сильные ветры сформировали в скалах множество интересных форм.
One part of the canyon has rocks that look like buildings! (It is called the Valley of the Castles.)
В одной части каньона есть скалы, похожие на здания! (Он называется Долина замков.)
То, что в скобках можно не писать, это просто дополнение.