Четыре часа сорок пять минут
Двенадцать часов сорок минут
Шесть часов тридцать минут
Три часа
Пять часов десять минут
Два часа тридцать пять минут
Девять часов пятьдесят пять минут
Двенадцать часов пять минут
Восемь часов двадцать пять минут
Семь часов пятнадцать минут
Four hours and forty five minutes
Twelve hours and forty minutes
Six hours and thirty minutes
Three hours
Five hours and ten minutes
Two hours thirty five minutes
Nine hours fifty five minutes
Twelve hours and five minutes
Eight hours and twenty five minutes
Seven hours and fifteen minutes
Task 1
Task 2
1.What is ‘shinty’?
Team sports game with clubs and a ball.
2.Which is the least common language in Scotland?
A minority (around one percent of the Scottish population) speak Scottish Gaelic
Task 3
I don't have a particular country or place that attracts me very much, I just want to live somewhere near the sea. It may be in Russia, or somewhere else, but the ideal place of my dreams should be located very close to the sea. I love swimming very much, so I would like to come to the sea whenever I want and swim as much as I want.
When I imagine a place where I would like to live, it seems to me that it is very quiet, it is a place where there are not very many people, most likely it is a small coastal city where there are bays where you can fish and sunbathe. It seems to me that I don't have many neighbors, but we all know each other well and communicate in a friendly way. Sometimes we get together in the evening for a Cup of tea and a little chat. The place where I would like to live should not have many tourists.
In addition, I would like to add that there is a job for me there. It doesn't matter what the job is. The main thing is that it brings me sufficient income and pleasure. If I live near the sea, in a place where it is warm, where there are jobs for me, and where I am surrounded by friends, I think I will be happy.
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